Chapter 22

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"Where are you right now?" Asked Marco over the phone when i had just got out from the RTL building.

"I'm on the way home," i said. I looked up at the sky above me. It was dark. Almost 8 pm. Day went by so fast. I came here when the sun was still shining and suddenly when I came out, the day already turned to night.

It was the end of September. The weather started to be colder at night and the wind began blowing pretty hard. Just like tonight. I could felt the cold directly touched my face when i got out from the building. I made my step faster when i saw the bus that i should take came closer to the bus stop. Fortunately i just needed a few steps to reach it because it was right in front of the studio.

"Are you alone?" He asked again.

"Yeah.. Why?" I answered and asked him back while stepping my feet into the bus. The bus was almost full in this time. I walked passing the row while looking for the empty seat and finally i got it in the back of the bus.

"No.. I just ask," said Marco. "Hey whose voice is that?" He suddenly asked again when i had just sat.

"What?" I pressed the phone to my ear and spoke louder because Marco's voice sounded faint.

"I heard men's voice there. Are you with someone?" Marco repeted his question and he raised his intonation.

Eh.. Men's voice? I even didn't hear it, i said to myself as i turned my head to see people around me and i saw a guy who sat behind me was talking with the girl beside him. "Oh my god, Marco. I'm in the bus right now, it was voice from a man who sits behind me with his girl," i said. I was sure that it was the voice which Marco meant.

"Really? So the bus is crowded?" He asked like someone who was interrogating.

"Marco, i'm not a little girl anymore and i already know the route here. Beside i just go from the studio to my apartment and it's just about 15 minutes," i directly answer.

I didn't know but since we were back together, I felt that Marco was a little excessive to give attention on me. He seemed like afraid of something. I already told him everything about my life condition in London. Where i worked, where i lived, and all of my activities here. We also made a call twice or three times a day and texted each other very often. But still, he seemed couldn't quiet with that.

"I know, you told me that your apartment is near with your studio but...," i heard that he sighed. "i don't know baby, i just simply worry about you," he added.


"Yes.. You're thousand miles away from me, in the stranger place, with the stranger people. I even don't know who's your friend there. How if they..."

"Marco.. I can take care myself. I'm 23 years old now and i lived alone since i was 18. I can chose what the good or bad for myself," i said cutting his phrase before he thought more unpalatable.

"But still i prefer that you'll stay here with me actually," Marco said. His voice sounded more flat now but still in a serious tones. "Why you don't move to here again?" He asked then.

"I can't. I signed a contract for 2 years, Marco," i said while pressed the bell button to make the bus stop at the next stop. "Oh my god, why you could be so childish like this?" I asked as my protest. I couldn't understand what's on his mind. Why he could thinking like that?

"I don't wanna lose you anymore, babe," said Marco. He sounded worry.

I remained silent for a moment by hearing his reason. I rose from my seat and stood in front of the bus door while holding to the pole when the bus was only a few meters from the bus stop where i should stop. "Marco, why did you say like that? Everything will be okay," i said when i stepped my feet out from the bus.

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