Chapter 19

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"Ok, this is the last 3 boxes," André shouted from the living room to me who was in the bedroom. We were in my new apartment. Today, the stuffs that i sent from Dortmund arrived in London and André helped to clean up and organize the room. "Shoes," he said, reading the sticker that tacked the box. I deliberately put a sticker on each boxes according to the contents. It would help a lot when i arrange them in my new place.

"Ok," i replied while checking the list of stuffs that i sent.

"Bag," he shouted again.

"Check list,"


"Yup," i checked again. I still put my hand on the paper, waiting André to mention another stuffs but he didn't. "That's all??" I asked as i walked out from the bedroom.

"What else?? I said 3 boxes left before. There are how many boxes actually that you sent from germany?" André asked me back while moving the last box to gather it with the other boxes which were already compiled at the corner of my living room.

"17," i simply said.

"17?? Oh my god.. No wonder that i only see boxes everywhere in this room," André shook his head while watching the boxes in front of him. He was right. My living room wasn't too big so it looked like the boxes were everywhere. "Then there how many boxes are here already?" Asked André then.

"Wait..," i looked at the list which i held in my hand. I checked it ranging from the top to bottom. I marked every box's name that already here with red marker, so i could know how many boxes were here and how many boxes which were still on the way. "Ehmmm... 17,"

"That means all is complete already,"

"Yeah.. I just thought that i have more boxes than this. But i gave some to the orphanage,"

"Ohh.. Thanks god they are only 17," André sighed loudly.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because i don't know where i should start to manage all of your stuffs," he said as he pointed the boxes with his index finger.

"Actually me either," i grinned.

"What?" André turned to me quickly. "Yes, my fee seems should be grow," he mumbled, smirking while glancing at me.

I grabbed the sofa pillow that happened to be in front of me and threw it at him playfully but he could readily catch it easily with one hand while laughing. Yeah.. That was André. He always smiled. He said to the media that he was German with sense of humor and i didn't deny it. He could make people smile just by looking at him smile. And couple days i was in Germany, i kinda miss his smile.

I arrived in London on Friday, two days ago. And i directly stayed here eventhough i still hadn't have anything here. No groceries, no cooking tools, no cutleries, even no bedsheet or blanket. Fortunately this was a furnished apartment and André borrowed me his bedsheet, blanket, and some other stuffs so i didn't have to sleep on the floor and got chilled. He was really helping. He also help me to clean the dust from the furniture here because this apartment hadn't been inhabited for quite a long time.

"Hey how about if you start with your clothes in your bedroom and i start with your other stuffs in the living room and kitchen?" André suggested as he looked at the boxes, reading the name of stuffs that written the sticker on it one by one.

"Unfair!! Most of the contents of this boxes are my clothes. So you're just going to tidy up the 3 or 4 boxes," i slapped his upper arm while approaching him.

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