Chapter 34

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I heard someone called me. But it wasn't Marco. It was a woman's voice. Who it was? Oh my god, my head was really dizzy and i really lazy to opened my eyes. "Mila...," once again i heard she called me and finally it made me force myself to wake up.

I opened my eyes slowly. My bedroom was already bright and it turned out someone who woke me up was Elisabeth, a women who always helps us to take care of our apartment. She was 30 years old. She had worked with us 3 times a week since we moved here and i could say that she was the best housekeeper that i ever met. Ranging from cleaned up the house, cooked, until brought our dirty clothes to the laundry, she always did everything perfectly. We, especially me was very close to her. We were like a family. Occasionaly she even brought her 5 year-old daughter to be here and we played together.

"Hey Elisa, what's wrong?" I asked as i rose my body to sit on the bed. It wasn't usual that she woke me up so i was a little surprised.

"Marco asked me to wake you up. He said you have flight to Berlin at 1 pm and now is almost 11 o'clock," she said while putting coffee on my bedside table.

What? I checked the time on phone and omg, Elisa was right. It was 10.36 am. I should be in the airport no later than 12.15. I just had about 1 hour left and i hadn't prepared anything.

"Are you okay, Mila? You looked pale. Are you sick?" She asked with a worried face.

"What?? No no.. I just.." I cut my words. Again?? You were kiding me! I took a deep breath and sighed loudly. "A little bit tired," i added. Damn it. Yesterday was Gerda, last night was Marcel, and now was Elisa. Why everyone said that i looked pale? Did i looked like so?

"Maybe you're exhausted. You want me to bring your breakfast here?" Asked Elisa again as she put Marco's clothes that she just took from the laundry into the wardrobe.

"No, it's not necessary, i can eat my breakfast under," i said while grabbed my neck while stretching my head slowly.

"Ok, i'll prepare it for you. See you in the kitchen," said Elisa after she watched me for a while. I thought she didn't really believe me. Her face still looked worry when she left the bedroom.

Geez.. Did i looked so awful? I became curious. I sipped my coffee once. I revealled the blanket and rolled out of the bed. I just realized that last night i fell asleep with only wore my panties and Marco t-shirt. But i didn't remember when and why i could wear Marco's shirt. I remembered that last night, we held a small BBQ party here. We ate, chatted, joked, and of course everything wouldn't be complete without beer. I drank a few glasses. So did Marco and everyone who were here except Briana. She couldn't drink it because of her pregnancy, whereas Ilkay said that Briana was very good in drinking beer and i believed it. Right before midnight, the party was over. It wasn't weekend and we didn't wanna disturb our neighbor with our party, so everybody went home, while Marco and i spent our remaining time to watch a comedy tv show. I didn't remember as well what we watched and what we talked and maybe due to the influence of beer, but then situation between us became hotter. We moved to our bedroom. Marco pulled me to the bed and started to open my top as he kept kissing me but somehow, all of a sudden i felt nauseous and we had to stop our bed activity because i had to run to the bathroom and throw up. I felt so weak and the last thing i could remember was Marco took me to the bed and took care of me until i fell asleep. Yeahh.. That was happened.

Damn it, i never felt like this only because of the beer. I quite often drank beer and usually it was fine. But why now i felt so unwell. Even my head still felt very heavy. I walked slowly to the bathroom and I stopped right in front of the sink. I stared at myself on the mirror in front of me. Gosh, i looked so messy. Apparantly it was true, my face was pale and sunken, and there were dark circles under my eyes that quite clearly visible. How could Elisa not thought that i was sick, i indeed looked like a sick person.

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