Chapter 36

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Marco's POV

Mila was mine, she was mine. No one could touch her, whoever it was. She was mine and would only be mine. I loved her so much. She was my love, my whole life. I couldn't imagine how i would be without her by my side.

I knew i did something wrong earlier and i lost her once. But i promised her, i promised to myself that i would be a better one and i tried hard for it because it felt like my world was over when she left me. I didn't wanna losing her anymore. Not for twice. So i would do everything to always make her mine.

I didn't care, although i would be called selfish or bad, and i had to losing my best friend though. I couldn't keep quiet and looked stupid. I knew everything. I could feel it. And could i stay silent when Mila suddenly left the table and then André did the same thing?

I knew they probably loved each other. I knew it was hard for Mila to stay with me while she might not love me anymore. Yeah... since we got back together, she almost never said that she loved me, but she said it to André. I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to do something. I had to hold Mila. I was definitely going to make her love me again.


The scenery here was so beautiful. The St. Paul Church stood in front of me while showing the grandeur and the beauty of its architecture. No wonder that this place was one of the favorite restaurant in London. If you searched in Google about the restaurant that had a beautiful view in London, the name of this restaurant would immediately appear in the list. I personally, for almost 6 months living in London, i'd never came here. I just heard from my teammates that this restaurant had beautiful scenery and delicious European food. Well... they were not wrong. My dinner today was a very delicious menu plus our happiness after the winning against England. Everything should be perfect. Maybe that perceived for my friends who was sitting inside, but unfortunately it didn't applicable to me.

Yeahh.. I even wanted to cry right now. I could feel that i had tears in my eyes. And my heart was really pain. During a month i tried to forget Mila and i avoided all things that related to her. I already knew that i would meet her again in an event like this, and i had prepared myself for it. But today when i saw her, she was so thin and pale, her beautiful eyes didn't shine like it used to and she cried. I couldn't resist the urge to hug her. I wanted to hug her. I couldn't see her in so much pain like that. Should i not give up? Should i keep fighting to be with her though it meant that my relationship and Marco would be end. Was i too selfish because i was more concerned with the friendship and chose to sacrifice the girl that i loved??

I laughed at myself. I felt very very stupid. Indeed i was so stupid. I was stupid because i fell in love with my bestfriend's girlfriend. But i didn't regret my feeling eventhough we couldn't be together. For me, providing that she was happy, i would happy too and i was sure Marco would make her happy because he loved her so much.

Come on André, move on. You can do it, you would get over it, i told myself. Yes.. i was fine, everything would be fine. And it might be better if i went back inside now. It was also no use to standing here while bemoaning my fate. I took a deep breath, held it for a moment and exhaled it again. I did it for three times and finally i sighed loudly before i moved from there. But when i recently turned my body, i didn't from where but suddenly Marco came approaching me and he pulled me violently into the restroom that was not far from there.

I didn't have time to ask even i couldn't see his face because it all happened so fast. And when we had entered the restroom, he immediately pushed me against the wall.

"How dare you to touch my girl, André," Marco snapped as he cast a blow to my face. His punch was so hard till made me losing my balance.

I needed a couple time to understand what was just happened. I wiped the blood from my nose and lifted my face, trying to look at his face. I wasn't sure that he wouldn't hit me again after this. Marco's face looked so scary. He looked very angry. No doubt why he could hit me. It seemed that everything was clear now. Marco already knew about us, about me and Mila. Finally. I knew that we couldn't hide it forever from him. But how could he know about it? Maybe he accidentally saw us and heard our conversation, or perhaps he already knew even before this.


"Don't you think that i know nothing. I'm not stupid. I know that you have affair with Mila but i don't know why you can do this, bastard!!!" I have not had time to say anything, he yelled at me again. This time while pushing me till made my back hit the wall hard enough. "Why you don't say anything?" He added while clutching my shirt. He seemed to have been very ready to cast a second blow for me.

"I don't know what i have to say. You're right and i'm wrong. And i don't care if you hit me more than this because yes i'm a real bastard," i said without slightest raised my tone or even against him.

"You can say like that so easy, André. You don't know what i feel. My girlfriend and my bestfriend betrayed me, what a wonderful feeling and you.. You even don't say i'm sorry," said Marco grimly. He released my shirt while again pushing me against the wall.

I felt my shoulder was pain from the impact. I bet i would have slight bruise on my back and of course in my face but i didn't care. I deserved to have this. Hearing Marco's words just now, i felt myself very bad. I thought of myself regardless of how he felt.

"I think sorry will never enough for you. Yes i didn't know your feeling but i also love Mila, though i know it's a mistake and i'll never have her," i said. Although Mila and i loved each other, and maybe Marco didn't know how it could happened, but i also wouldn't try to explain it to him because he certainly wouldn't wanna hear me. "I won't try to get her, Marc. She supposed to be with you and i know you'll make her happy," i added and this time i replied his gaze.

"Of course i will. I warn you, André, stay away from her. If someday i see you touch her, i'll kill you," Marco warned me while pressing his index finger on my chest. He was so serious, of course he was serious. Maybe i would do the same if i stood in his position.

"And i hope you'll not make her cry anymore, Marco. If you make her sad again like before, you know with whom you'll have to deal," i said but i still kept my voice to remain calm. However, i was in the wrong side but i didn't less serious with him. I was not going to let him made Mila crying.

Marco chuckled at my words. "In your dream, André," he said. Once again he pulled me against the wall but this time wasn't really rough like before and then he walked leaving me, got outside from the restroom while slammed the door.

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