Chapter 13

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Marco's POV

"The telephone you are calling is switched off,"

"Fuck!!" I grumbled, hitting the door with my hand, when again i heard that words. I was really upset with myself. After did very stupid thing, forgetting Mila's birthday, and then she left me while carrying almost all of her stuff, i hadn't can contact her at all. Her phone was switched off. I left her some messages but she didn't reply it. 4 days passed. I didn't know where she was and what she was doing right now. Damn.. I wanted to see her so badly.

I didn't know why i could forget her special day, i ignored her and i even snapped her for my own fault. I could understand why she could be so angry to me. I was unforgivable. She never be so angry like this before. I grabbed my hairs with my hand while walking back and forth in my room. I felt like a madman. I couldn't think. Oh my god, what should I do now. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want to break up with her.

Break up.. Yeah break up.. I thought it was still difficult to digest the meaning of that words. Broke up. I didn't believe it. I shouldn't have let her go that time. I shouldn't stop chasing her. It was all because of that stupid speech. I was too busy with myself, too busy to be perfect, too busy with my obsession. Now i had to pay the price.

I came alone to the celebration with messed up feeling. I lied to everyone who asked 'why mila didn't come?' and I said, Mila had to go to berlin for work. I didn't want them to know. They shouldn't be know what was happened with us. All this time they thought that we were a great couple, cute couple. What would happen and what would they say if they knew about it. No no.. I couldn't imagine about that.

My head was very dizzy when i had to read my speech. I was sure that the team and Papa Klopp would now that i wasn't fine that time. I already write everything that i would say on the paper and i already practised to read it but everything was useless. In the end I still couldn't do it well. I couldn't focus my mind with that speech and that celebration.

Cathy scolded me as soon as i got off from the stage. She said, lucky that Mila wasn't here, because i didn't mention her name in the gratitude in my speech. Cathy's words felt like a splash of ice for me. How could i forget to put her name on my script or if i forgot to write it, i should mention her because she was my girlfriend. I even mentioned the names of other people who weren't that important compared to her. What was wrong with me? Why i could be like this? I was so bad. God, was I still worth for her? I love her.


I felt like a princess. 3 days lived with André at his apartment, he treated me incredible very well. He almost didn't allow me to do everything that could cause me exhausted. He wanted me to do what the doctor said to him, took a rest, eat regularly, and calmed my mind. On the other hand, he did everything by himself. Ranging from house cleaning to flush some of the plants on the balcony of his apartment. And i was just sitting, watching tv, reading books, and sleep. Sometimes I help him cook, the only thing that was being allowed to do but only if it was done together with him. It was silly. But he was really like a doctor or nurse. I've never been treated like this by Marco, even when our relationship was fine, Marco was never do like this.

Marco... I sighed slowly. What was he doing right now. Four days passed since i left him. I knew he tried to contact me many times but i deliberately switched my phone off. He left me some messages but i deleted them without reading. Gerda told me when i called her yesterday, Marco came to her place to ask where was i but thanks god she didn't tell him anything. I already made a decision. I wanted to move on. And he was my past eventhough i was not sure that i could stop loving him.

"Excuse me, Madame, do you want to order now?" an asia-faced waiter asked me politely, breaking my reverie. I looked at him in a daze. It took a while for me to get back to the real world. My attitude seemed make him confused, he raised his eyebrows as he replied my gaze.

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