Chapter 15

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Finally i found the apartment in London. It was near to the RTL station where i would work. Maybe it would just take about 20 minutes by foot and 5-10 minutes by bus. It wasn't a big one, not as big as André apartment or my apartment with Marco in Dortmund. It was just one bedroom furnished apartment in 60 square meters. But when the first time i got in there, i fell in love with the living room and the bedroom. It reminded me to my previous apartment in Berlin before i moved to Dortmund.

"So what's your plan now?" Asked Gerda as she put her passpost into her Celine Trapeze bag after we finished checking in our baggage.

We were in Heathrow, the International Airport of London. We wanted back to Germany today. My business was finished this time. I'd come to RTL and stated that I was willing to join them and I'd got a place to stay here. So now all that remains was my business in Dortmund. I had to submit my resignation letter effective from next month to the radio and the foremost was I had to go back to the apartment and tidied up all my stuff. I would keep it in Gerda's place first before I sent them all to London.

"Just like what i told you before, i wanna tidy up my stuff and give boss my resignation letter," i said while walking leaving the check-in counter.

"Ohh Mila, you know i'm really sad because of you decision," said Gerda, showing a sad and pitiful look.

"Oh my god Gerda, don't say like that. We'll always be friend eventhough i'm not in Dortmund," i responded while putting my arm around her shoulder.

"But still.. I lost my partner in crime," she pouted.

"Hey, how if you move to London too?" I asked as i realeased my arm from her when we arrived in front of the Starbuck. She directly walked to the empty couch at the corner and put her bag on the side. And i put my bag on the couch at her opposite. We still had about one half hour until our boarding time, so we decided to spend our time while having a coffee in Starbucks.

After taking a place, we went to the cashier to order the drinks. I bought a hot vanilla latte while Gerda bought a caramel latte and mushroom quiche.

"What i have to do in London?" She asked as she gave the cashier girl some poundsterlings to pay her orders.

"Many things. You can try to apply for jobs as announcer at the local radio or anything else,"

"Ehm..," Gerda rolled her eyes. "i wanna think about it," she said as we walked back to our seat.

"Come on, i need a friend here," i elbowed her once while walking passing her and seat on my couch. I put my handbag beside me and pulled out my phone from inside.

"You need a friend? I think you already have André as your friend," said Gerda.

At the same time, the waitress came bringing all of our orders. She laid them on the table carefully one by one.

"Oh my god, Gerda.. It's different," i said as i stirred my vanila latte. I hadn't been able to sip it. It was still very very hot.

"Different how? I saw you seem so close with him," Gerda frowned while eating her quiche.

Oh my god, looking at her eat, i felt that i became hungry too. The smell of the quiche was really nice. I loved this smell, the mix of baked onion and smoked chicken. I paused our conversation to go to the cashier again. I ordered the same quiche with Gerda's and also one pack of chocolate cookies.

"André is really kind to me but i'm sure it just because i was Marco's ex," i said once i returned to our table. I put the cookies's pack and a plate of the quiche on the table then sat.

"Yes you're Marco's ex and something might happened with you two," said Gerda as she watched me tearing the paper pack of the chocolate cookies.

"André is Marco's bestfriend and he very respect him," i replied while biting the tip of a chocolate cookies. The sweetness immediately felt on my tongue. It tasted good too. But i preferred Ben's cookies that I bought with André few days ago. It was more tender like a cake. I wanted to try to make it but still hadn't have the chance. "Besides...," i added but i held my words.

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