Chapter 23

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André's POV

What the hell did i do?? Why did i do this?? Why?? Why?? You were stupid, André. You were bastard. You knew she was your bestfriend's girlfriend, you knew that Marco loved her so much but you still fucked her. What should i do now? What should i tell Marco about this?

My room had been turned to bright because of the sun. I forgot to close the curtain lastnight. Usually i closed it before i went to sleep but last night was unexpected. I blinked my eyes, looking at the ceiling of my bedroom. My head felt so heavy and my brain filled with lots of words to fool myself. I hated myself. Maybe i should more listened to David that time. But i took a nonchalant attitude and oversimplify everything. And in the end i was just a selfish bastard.

I sighed slowly, i turned to the side. Mila seemed slept soundly with her backs position facing me. Her long hair loose over her shoulders and the fragrance was very soft. She was so beautiful and naked. I pulled the blanket to cover her body until her shoulder. If i could following my desire, i wanted to kiss her hair and caressed her bare backs, but i couldn't. Last night was amazing. It was been a long time since the last time i felt this feeling. Last night what we did was not only having sex, but it was making love. We kissed a lot, we caressed each other, showing our affection. Even it felt like i still could feel her hand gripped my back and heard her moan. Oh my god, what was i thinking? I shook my head, tried to remove my memory about last night while switching my eyes from her.

Suddenly i heard Mila sighed. I looked back at her. She switched her sleeping position became supine. She blinked her eyes for several times. It was like she still adjusted her eyes with the sunlight and still gathered her energy to get up. Ah fuck.. I felt my heart beat became faster by watching her and then it felt like it stopped beating when she turned to me.

"Hey.. Good morning," said Mila quietly with a thin smile on her lips. She looked at me with a bit doubt while one of her hand held the blanket to cover her body.

"Good morning," i replied also with a thin smile. We looked at each other awkwardly for a moment. Seemed that we were confused about what we should do or say next. Shit.. I hate this situation. "i'll make a breakfast,"

"Hey hey, wait. Don't go!!" Mila quickly grabbed my hand when i was about to get up. "Stay here for a moment, please?" Mila asked as she showed a begging face.

"But we're naked," i said while replying her gaze with a doubt.

"I know, i don't care. We already saw each other, right?" she insisted.

I paused for a while, thinking. I didn't know what should i do, stay or go. But if i saw Mila's face, she seemed really expected me to stay. Damn, i'd never been this confuse. "Okay," finally i agreed.

I lay back on my bed, right next to it. I was surprised when Mila directly rested his head on my body and put her hand on my chest. Oh my god. What was happened last night couldn't be happened again. I immediately felt a little tension in my body. I held my breath for a moment, controlling myself not to arouse with the situation. I glanced briefly at Mila, she looked like a normal, she even seemed to be enjoying the time that was running. I didn't know what she was thinking and what she felt right now because of our doing.

I held out my hand to embrace her shoulder carefully. Mila's body was very small. I was afraid to hurt her. She was like a baby who was curling up on her father's chest. "So what will happened next?" I asked while caressing her shoulder with my finger slowly. Her skin was very smooth.

"I don't know," said Mila without raised her head.

"We have to tell Marco about this someday," Marco, yeah Marco. I couldn't sleep well last night eventhough i felt tired. Everytime i closed my eyes, Marco's reflection showed up in my head. I had to tell Marco, but how? 'Marco, i'm sorry i slept with your girlfriend,' or 'Marco, that was my fault, i know that i didn't supposed to do that but i slept with your girl.' Oh God.. I already could imagine what he would do to me.

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