Chapter 6

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marcinho : 'Mila, we have to talk again,' - 8.30pm

marcinho : 'Mila, where are you?' - 9.02pm

marcinho : 'Baby, please pick up the call. I'm so worry. Where are you??' - 9.20pm

I sighed, staring at the notifications on my phone. There were so many missed calls and text from Marco since last night and I just check it. I left my phone last night and when i was back, I was so tired, so I didn't longer think to see it.

I tapped the screen of my phone, reading the messages one by one while having a bowl of cereal and fresh milk and also three pieces butter croisants as my breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Based on my experience from the last time i stayed in this hotel, the butter croisant here is really tasty. And yes, apparantly i wasn't wrong. This croissant is really delicious.

marcinho : 'Mila..,' - 9.40pm

marcinho : 'Mila.. Please call me or at least text me, hun,' - 09.56pm

marcinho : 'Mila, i know you're angry, i'm so sorry. Please answer my call,' - 10.15pm

Oh my god, almost in every fifteen minutes he sent me text and the all the text had similar content. He wanted me to answer his call. The last message from him was at 11.50pm. Maybe after that he fell asleep because he had to wake up early for his training.

I re-read the last text he sent to me. It was the only text which had a different content with the others.

marcinho : 'Mila, i miss you..,' - 11.50pm

I stared at that text. Simple words but managed to make my chest tightness. I felt like something stabbed my heart and the anxiety was back into my mind. Maybe i was too much. Maybe i was too stubborn. Maybe i shouldn't have to let him like that.

I wondered what was he doing right now. If i was him, i definitely wouldn't sleep as well last night. Yeahh.. But he is Marco Reus, who was able to say and break his own promise. Often times, every time he made a promise, I thought, maybe this time he was earnest, maybe this time he was serious, maybe this time he would keep his promise. But apparently not. All of that thought were just a vain hope. I didn't know anymore, should i trust his words? Which one of his words that he still could keep? Thinking about him, made me feel upset. I didn't know what i have to do with him now? Should i call him or should i let him like this?

Subconsciously, I felt my eyes wet. I blinked quickly several times to prevent my tears fell. I didn't wanna cry. Not at this early morning. I took my breath, held it for a moment, and blew it again. I did it a few times to calm myself. 'Okay Mila, no time for him right now. Now you're in London, take your time before you back to Dortmund and meet him again,' i said to myself as i made a thin smile.

I was about to put my phone on my bag and continued my breakfast when my notification alert rang. I thought it was Marco, so i had a doubt to open it. But finally i decide to see it. I took my phone and opened the notification. Apparantly it wasn't him. It was phone number of someone that i didn't save in my phone. Maybe it was from RTL, i thought then. I opened the text to read it and my smile directly appeared on my face when i knew who the sender was.

+49179845xxxx : 'Good morning Mila, it's André. Hope your sleep was good ;) well i just wanna say thanks for last night, you accompany me drove around the city and sorry for being caught by the policemen.. Greeting for Marco from me.. Have a nice day,'

Oh god, it was André's number. I recalled that i hadn't have his number in my phone's contact list but i gave him my number yesterday so we could contact each other as long as i was in London. Maybe we could go to eat or maybe just chatted since we were both alone here.

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