Now I Need Someone to Breathe Me Back to Life

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Mitch hurt all over, each breath pained him to take. The only good thing that came out of this beating was a huge jar of black paint and one skinny paintbrush. But perhaps the paint wouldn't come of use if Mitch died first, for that is how he felt, as if he were dying. With each breath getting harder and harder to take, the more tired Mitch grew, maybe if he just closed his eyes for one second...
And Mitch's eyes fluttered closed. His small sleeping frame looking tiny and broken as it sprawled across the middle of a bed.


Mitch's eyes fluttered open to Scott's smiling face.

"Good afternoon beautiful," He said and leaned down to peck Mitch on the lips. "Haven't you been sleeping for a while." Mitch, although was quite happy, frowned.

"I'm sorry," He said when Scott pulled away a confused look written on his beautiful features. "I'm just not quite sure what's going on." Scott frowned and he wrapped his arms around Mitch's small frame.

"You remember none of this? None of us?"

"I..." Mitch started and tears began to well up in his eyes. "I remember only when we first started dating." Scott reeled away from him in disbelief.

"You remember nothing of our marriage?" He cried astonished. Mitch slowly looked down at his ring finger. Sure enough there was a diamond ring glinting in the sunlight, that streamed in through the windows.

"I'm sorry, no." Mitch twisted the ring around his finger, not quite believing this.

"Nothing of Ashley?" Mitch frowned.

"Ashley?" How much was he missing?

"Our daughter?" Scott's voice filled with hope as if the word might trigger some memory tucked away deep into Mitch's mind. Mitch shook his head. He had a daughter? He and Scott had a daughter? Scott ran a worried hand through his hair, looking completely frazzled.

"It's okay," He kept repeating. "We can work through this, we've worked through everything before, we can work through this, it's okay." Mitch laid a gentle hand on Scott's bicep.

"Scott..." He said looking deep into Scott's eyes. "I'm truly sorry I don't remember..." Scott pulled Mitch in for another hug and rested his chin atop Mitch's head.

"It's not your fault, maybe picking up Ashley from school will trigger your memory." Mitch nodded and slid out of bed, padding over to his closet which was full of clothes much to Mitch's surprise. Scott chuckled from somewhere behind him.

"You've always been a shopaholic." Scott laughed and Mitch couldn't help but smile, according to this closet he was a shopaholic. Mitch trailed his fingers across the many fabrics unable to decide which one of the many beauties to decide from. Mitch finally, after a few minutes of consulting between the black or white, found his outfit and disappeared into the bathroom.
When he examined himself in the mirror Mitch was glad to note that his hair wasn't greasy and his skin was no longer pale. Mitch smiled at his reflection, happy with how this new Mitch was looking like.
Mitch finally got out of the bathroom and Scott smiled and took his husbands hand before dragging him over to the car and helping him into the passé ever seat.

"Once you see Ashley, you'll remember everything for sure," Scott told him backing out of their driveway. "She's your pride and joy and besides, you've always had the closer relationship." Mitch frowned. This seemed unlikely. Scott seemed to be more kid friendly than Mitch was ever, but Mitch soon smiled, whatever this girl was like Mitch was very excited to meet her.
Scott left him in the car, telling him to stay there while he for Ashley and explained to her exactly what was going on.
Ashley didn't look familiar to Mitch at all, which a very sad Scott had to accept. Ashley too, a beautiful young girl she had long dark with with dark eyes, was saddened at the fact her dad isn't recognize her, but went along with it, knowing the least she could do was reintroduce herself and try to spark memories, like Scott was doing. Each memory that either of them tried to spark was alway met with a frown or a shake of the head from Mitch which earned a sigh from them before they launched into another story.


Mitch had a faint memory of a cracked   ceiling.

Authors Note
I just wanted to say, although votes are awesome and honestly keeps voting (what can I say, they're kinda cool) but I'd much rather read through ten comments than get one vote. This doesn't mean that you should stop voting and start commenting on random stuff, it's just a personal opinion of mine that I decided to share.

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