And Now That I'm Without Your Kisses

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Mitch waved goodbye to Kirstie and she drove off, leaving Mitch to walk back to his hotel room alone. All the events from that morning were forgotten, that was until he found another note.


This one read.

Meet me on the corner, 7:30 tomorrow

Mitch bit his lip.

Please come, I only wish to speak to you.

Mitch bit his lip so hard he started to taste blood. Mitch released his hold on his lip and lifted his nail to his mouth, needing some nervous when habit.

Please Mitchie, I love you and I need to see you. I can't live without you. I'll do anything just to see you again.

I love you,

See you tomorrow,


Mitch tossed the note. He didn't trust Abe saying he only wanted to talk, Mitch was sure that if he went he'd end up in the white room and would be stuck there for the rest of his life. Mitch had already gotten four years snatched from him, he wasn't about to let Abe take more from him.

"How," Mitch suddenly says, "can Abe continuously say he loves me when he continues to hurt me in every way."

Much shook his head before heading to the bathroom and getting ready for bed.

Tomorrow, he told himself messing with his hair, I am getting a hair cut.


Mitch couldn't stop feeling the side of his head. It was freshly shaven and if Mitch said so himself, looked hella good.

"Mitchell," He told himself in the mirror once he returned to his room. "You are recovering very well." He smiled at himself, a real smile, he was happy with this new Mitch, this Mitch was had his own free will. He was happy to be free. Always happy to be free.

There was only one thing Mitch knew for sure. He was never going back and if he did end up being back, he'd take his own life before enduring years of captivity.


7:30 rolled around and Mitch stayed in his room, watching the street corner from his room's window. There, standing in the rain was a lone figure. The man on the corner checked his watch multiple times and continued to look at the hotel.

Once the clock struck eight the man seemed to have enough because he stomped away furiously through the rain. Splashes of water jumping up with every step.

Mitch let the curtains fall back into place when he certain Abe had left the corner. Mitch walked into the bathroom and quickly brushed his teeth.

When he was done getting ready he walked back into the main part of the room and there sat another note. Mitch picked it up.

On the inside there was a scribbled phone number.


It said.

Call me, I only want to talk.

I can understand why you don't trust meeting me in person, but please call me. I need to speak with you.

Please Mitchie.



Mitch ripped the phone number away from the rest of the note before throwing the actual writing away. He put he number down by the phone. He turned the paper over only to see writing on the back.

I need you

It said, the rest was cut off. Mitch rolled his eyes and turned the paper over so it was number side up before crawling into bed.

Mitch fell into a peaceful sleep, no lingering nightmares from his time in captivity.

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