Gotta Get You Out of My Head

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Before the chapter starts...

I would like to mention that after this chapter we only have sixteen left, in other words, Stitches is coming to an end, so if you want to read another one of my stories (about ptx) go for it. Shameless self-promo warning. Because of Stitches drawing to a close I have took it upon myself to publish a PTX fanfic called The Darkness Inside and I would really appreciate it if  you checked it out. 

Thanks and I hope you enjoy the chapter. 


Scott finally saw Mitch again a few days later. He was wearing dark sunglasses and a whole side of his face was black and blue. 

"Are you okay?" Scott croaked, he still had a fever and was extremely dehydrated. Unlike Mitch, Abe didn't care for Scott and frequently forgot to feed him. Mitch, the angel, slid a bowl of soup over to Scott without answering. Scott took the soup, which in reality was only heated broth, and sipped at it greedily. After Scott had gulped down half the bowl he glanced up at Mitch. "Why aren't you speaking?" Scott asked, looking at his lover with worry. Mitch still didn't answer, but he got to his feet, dipping his fingers into a can of paint (that Scott hadn't noticed that Mitch had brought with him) and knelt down, drawing on the cement floor.

"I was ordered not to," Scott read as the words formed in the shaky scrawl that Mitch had acquired ever since captivity. "If I don't speak to you I am allowed to visit." Mitch nodded and then dragged his socked foot over the paint, smearing the message until it was unreadable. 

"Mitchie," Scott said softly, glancing at the broken man before him. "How are we going to get out of here?" Mitch dipped his fingers back into the paint, scrawling four words, before erasing them and leaving the room.

I have a plan.

Scott just hoped whatever the plan was that it worked. Mitch was the one who had escaped before, perhaps he could do it again. 


Mitch started giving Scott all of his food, deciding that Scott needed it more than he. Mitch did have a plan, and he was almost positive that it would work, except he wasn't sure Scott would agree to it. You see, Mitch was willing to sacrifice everything to get Scott out. The plan went along these lines:

Mitch would steal the key and unlock Scott's chains while during his normal food visits.

Mitch would then replace the keys and Scott would pretend that he was still chained.

Mitch would then give Scott the cue to run, and he would distract Abe using any means necessary.

The plan, if Scott gave it a chance, would work.  

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