Bleed Until I Can't Breathe

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He had come home drunk. His breath stunk of beer and he had come into Mitch's room, immediately coming over to him and grabbing his by the throat and throwing him against the wall, it had continued like that, but Mitch simply tuned it out and pretended he was elsewhere.

"Why won't you scream?" He yelled and Mitch brought himself back to reality. "Does this not hurt you?" Mitch sighed through his nose and picked himself off the ground.

"Of course it hurts," He said slowly approaching the drunk man slowly.

"Then why do you show no sign of pain?" He was breathing heavily still enraged.

"Because I would rather not scream," Mitch lied. "Better for my vocal chords." He had reached the man by now and had placed his hand on His upper arm lightly. "Now come, let's get a shower started shall we? Then we should get you to bed." The drunk man relaxed and agreed. Mitch lead him through the hallway to the black room, setting him on the bed before starting the shower.

The man in the other room just sat staring blankly at the wall. Mitch padded out of the bathroom taking him to the bathroom and helping with nimble fingers him undo his shirt. Mitch at the very moment asked him the question that was haunting his every breathing moment.

"What's your name?" He asked kindly. The man looked up at him and answered.

"Abe," He said and Mitch finished with the buttons of the shirt.

"Now," Mitch said, draping the shirt over his arm. "I am going to wait in your room until you get out okay? I'll stay right here." Abe nodded and Mitch left the bathroom, depositing the shirt into one of the many laundry shoots.

As Mitch reflected on that night it was probably a very good opportunity to run.  But in those moment late in the night Mitch thought nothing of running, instead his mind only linger on the man in the bathroom. Instead of the monster he usually he saw, Mitch saw a broken person who was in need of fixing and Mitch wasn't sure jail was the correct way of going about fixing someone.

When Abe exited the bathroom Mitch sat on his bed as promised. Mitch took his arm and pulled back the covers, Abe snuggled down underneath them and Mitch pulled the covers up to us chin. Abe fell asleep almost instantly and Mitch headed back to his own room, covering himself up and closing his eyes, falling asleep quickly and for the first time in a long time his sleep was dream free.


Mitch woke up to a knock on the door. Abe entered and sad down on the bed next to Mitch's relaxed form.

"I suppose," His breath was deep and gravely this morning, signaling he had just woken up. "If you were anyone else my songbird, you would of left me then." Mitch nodded sitting up in his bed. "Do you," Abe swallowed. "Enjoy being here?" Mitch ran a hand through his hair, conflicted.

"No," he replied honestly. "I'd much rather be living a free life."

"Then why didn't you run?" Mitch paused, confused himself.

"I don't know. I suppose the reason was because I felt as if you needed me." Abe nodded sitting down.

"I'd let you go-" Mitch interrupted him.

"But your afraid of what the police might do, you have nothing to explain to me."

"You don't even want to know why your in this position?" Mitch shook his head, no longer caring. It was in the part and to Mitch once it was gone it no longer mattered.

"If you want to tell me go ahead, but I have no desire to know." Mitch slipped back down into a laying position, his eyes closing as he became more relaxed. "If you don't mind," He stifled a yawn. "I want to catch up on missed sleep. Mitch was asleep before he could feel the lift of weight as Abe got off his bed and to be perfectly honest, Mitch was never sure if Ave left the bed at all once he fell asleep.

Mitch's sleep wasn't dreamless, but this time his dreams were not filled with memories of Scott.

Authors Note

Hello my beautiful readers.

AND IF YOU ARE FOLLOWING ME (cause I never show how thankful I am for them 😁 sorry) EXTRA EXTRA FLOWERS FOR YOU 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐


JO 😘😘😘😍😍😍

P.s. Thanks for reading. Also any of you who has the new album, does Avi sing lead for Light in the Hallway?

P.p.s. If any of you need anything just let me know, feel free to message me. Don't worry I'd love to get messages from you. It could be anything, just I'm here if you need anyone to talk to.

I promise that's it now.


Just kidding.

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