And Move On

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Mitch felt strangely warm. He had just admitted his love to Scott which not only lifted a huge weight off his chest, but Scott said he loved him back.

Or... At least he think he did. It was all a little bit of a blur, he remembered screaming, I love you's. Mitch had decided, he guessed, before the conversation had begun, that this wasn't something he wanted to commit to memory, like most of his time with Abe, however his brain tuned back in just in time for him to catch and remember snit-bits, but not quite enough to get the whole story.

Mitch almost wanted to call him back. However you don't just call someone back who you just slammed a phone down after a call, Mitch remembered that much, besides that would be an awkward conversation.

Hey Scott, I know we just got off the phone, but I was wondering if you really meant it when you said I love you, not just something to make me stay?

Not happening. How would you even start that conversation?

Mitch didn't really care, all he knew was that there a chance, a very large chance at that, that Scott did love him. Mitch smiled to himself, just thinking those words made him happy, but soon his smiled faded.

If Scott loved him, then what of Alex? What of Mitchie? Mitch ran his fingers through his hair, upset again.

Why couldn't anything be simple?

He just wanted Alek home, a shoulder, Alek's shoulder at that, for Mitch to cry on. Someone to tell him that it will all be okay. Someone for him to love so that he, and Scott, can live a life of peace.

Thankfully just as Mitch began to long for him more, Alek walked through the door with an armload of groceries. Mitch left from the couch and grabbed one of the few bags Alek carried.

"Thanks Mitch," Alek smiled.

"After you put those away, will you sit on the couch with me?" Mitch asked, he was done with caution. Let the sh!t hit the fan for all he cared.

"Everything alright?"

"So nosy, you'll find out, on the couch." Alek rolled his eyes.

"At least help me so this goes faster." Mitch smiled and grabbed a milk jug and heaved it into the fridge.


"So what is this so important thing you had to talk to me about?"

"On the couch." Mitch added with a small grin.

"On the couch." Alek repeated.

"I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you." Mitch leaned his head on Alek's shoulder. "And that Scott told me he loved me." Mitch felt Alek jolt underneath him.

"What?" He asked.

"Did I make you upset?" Mitch asked.

"No, no, no," Alek shook his head with each no. "I'm just surprised, I mean I thought the guy was married."

"Well, he is. But well, Alek, how do you feel about running away?"

"Running away? Together? Where would be go?"

"I don't have all the details figured out yet, chill, just give Scott space, maybe never come back." Alek ran a flustered finger through his hair.

"Did you talk to Scott about this?"


"Well? What did he say?"

"We yelled at each other. He told me to stay. I told him I loved him. He said he loved me too."

"But, wait, this is the Scott you've loved since you were kids right?"


"Not to sound rude, but do you know you even love him? Like is this part of you that you always took as love for Scott, actually something else?" Mitch paused and bit his lip.

"Maybe... But what else could it be?"

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