And Now that I'm Without Your Kisses

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"Is everything alright Mitchie?" Bowers asked scooping the fragile man into his embrace. Mitch had managed to clean up everything before Bowers came back, so Bowers returned to a broken man and not a broken house.

"Where were you?" Mitch croaked looking into Bowers' eyes. Bowers didn't answer instead lifted the small man into his arms and carried him into the bedroom, setting him gently onto the sheets that covered their bed. Or Mitch's bed, since Bowers had never slept on it. "Where were you?" Mitch demanded sitting up as Bowers released him. 

"Looking for a job," Bowers answered without hesitation. 

"That takes all night?" Mitch accused and soon was on his feet. 

"Mitchell," Bowers said defensively backing up. "You're not in your right mind, don't do something you will regret." 

"Don't do something I will regret?" Mitch spat stalking up to Bowers who cowered before him. "I think I already have, when we ran away together. Well? Do you have something to say for yourself? Where were you last night?"

"Mitch, you don't know what your talking about," Bowers said. 

"I very well know what I'm talking about." Bowers phone sounded and Mitch quickly grabbed it from out of his pocket. He glanced at the screen. "Who's Belle, Alek?" 

"A mistake," Bowers insisted. Mitch shook his head.

"Tell the truth," Mitch said. Bowers slowly started shaking his head in denial. "Tell the truth!" Mitch yelled, squeezing the phone so hard that his knuckles turned white. 

"I am!" Bowers screamed right back and ripped the phone away from Mitch. "This obviously isn't working. Call me when you get it together." With that Bowers slammed the door shut behind him, running off into the night, probably back into Belle's arms, whoever she was. 

"If it were the truth," Mitch whispered after him. "Then you wouldn't have run off like that."  

He sunk to his knees after that. Why did he ruin everything good that happened in his life? He should be left to his own misery, his own pain. He deserved no light in this ocean of darkness. Nobody could save him from drowning, he was too far under. 

A knock sounded on his door, calling him away from his dark thoughts. He thought it was Bowers and he swung the door open, ready to defend himself against the person standing on the other side. Except it wasn't Bowers... 

"Scott?" He breathed. "What are you doing here? Why are you here?" But the man didn't answer only wrapped the smaller man in a hug. Mitch inhaled, breathing in the sent he missed so much. 

"Are you alright?" Scott asked pulling away and kneeling down so that they were standing eye to eye. Mitch swallowed, trying to push the lie of 'yes' out of his throat, but he choked on the word, unable to pretend he was okay anymore. 

"No," He sobbed and fell into Scott's welcoming embrace. 


He woke up curled in the arms of a loving embrace, something he hadn't felt in a while. He looked down and saw Scott's peaceful face. Mitch felt his heart jump.

"What are you doing here?" He whispered to the man that held his heart. "Why are you making this harder than it has to be?"

"Because," Came Scott's quiet reply. "I realized that I had never moved on from you."

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