Just Like a Moth Drawn to a Flame

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The only sound in the silent room was the sound of Mitch's nails against the wood of the desk. He had been staring at the phone number for so long Mitch felt like it was etched into his brain. He had picked up the phone multiple times only to set it back down.

He did it again now. Picked up the sleek black phone, he got it as far as his ear this time before slamming it back down and pushing himself away from the desk. After a second of walking away he abruptly changed directions and was back to sitting back at the desk. He brought his nail to his lip and chewed on it, watching the phone.

He watched it like it was a live creature and at any moment it might do something, but it just sat there like the black box it was.

Mitch picked up the phone again and was halfway through the number before changing his mind and putting the phone back down.

"Why?" Mitch said out loud to himself. "You are so much better than this, you are strong, you can be your own person and you don't need him, so why do you want to call him?" And with that Mitch picked up the phone and dialed the number as if to prove to himself why he needed to call him.

"I knew you'd call princess." Mitch could hear the smirk in his voice. Mitch pressed the receiver harder to his ear.


"Because I knew that deep down you loved me, even if you didn't want to admit it to yourself."

"I don't love you Abe." Mitch said his knuckles white.

"Then why did you call me?"

"Because you said you wanted to talk to me and I'm giving you that chance, however if you continue to attack me then I'll hang up and you'll never hear from me again." Abe chuckled from the other end.

"I'm sorry princess. I wanted to say that I don't want to take you back by force-" Mitch interrupted him, his voice sharp.

"What is that supposed to mean? Take me back?"

"Mitchie, I love you and all I want is for you to come back to me, even if it takes forever, which really I hope it won't because I'll probably get impatient.

"Abe..." Mitch started.

"Hey, it's okay sweetheart, you'll understand."

"No, I was going to repeat what I'll always be telling you. I don't love you."

"But you'll love someone who is married and has a child? Come on."

"I don't love Scott. I just want him to be happy." Mitch paused. "Wait..." But Abe had already moved on from the subject.

"You'll come around eventually."

"I won't Abe, please I don't love you, just move on."

"No sweetheart," Abe said. "You love me besides my heart has already decided who it's going to love, just be glad you were the chosen one."

"You can change your heart."

"We both know that's not true, besides, meet me at the corner, I want to see your face."

"No Abe, I can't trust you."

Their conversation continued, Mitch refusing every offer Abe made, Abe continuing to make new ones.

"Please meet me?"

"Fine," Mitch said not entirely sure what he was agreeing to.

"I'll send you a note." And with a click the conversation ended.

Mitch set the phone down and put his face in his hands.

"What the hell did I just do?" He asked and pushed himself away from the desk.

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