If I Quit Calling You My Lover

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Mitch stared blankly at the red crusted black words that covered the wall and floor. He sighed and dipped his paintbrush in the paint before moving on to a blank section.
That's what his perfectly crafted words formed.
I'm sorry
Was what he chose to write next.
But I'm hoping you moved on from me.
Tears dripped down Mitch's cheeks, landing on his careful letters.
But I hope you've found someone else to love, because I no longer think I can call you my lover.
Tears flowed more freely now. They seemed to be pouring out of Mitch's eyes.
It has recently come to me that because I am hoping you've found someone else, you are no longer truly mine. No mater what my heart is telling me, you deserve to belong to someone else. Someone who can afford you, someone who deserves you. Someone who isn't on the verge of death everyday. It'll probably only be a couple of days now, so I'll say it one last time.
I love you.
Mitch's paint brush clattered to the floor.

"I love you," he whispered to himself, his voice raspy due to disuse. "I love you Scott," He said his voice slightly louder. "But I'm willing to give you up," a pause and Mitch took a deep breath. "For you. Always for you." Tears welled up in his eyes and Mitch raised his head towards the celling as he struggled not to cry. Fighting that internal battle as he repeatedly tried to swallow that lump in his throat.

The loud scrape of metal against concert drew his attention away from the crumbling celling. Mitch slowly walked to the tray full of food, downing the rusty water in one gulp and immediately regretted that choice. He moved onto the crackers, nibbling on them carefully and trying to keep his mouth from getting too dry. He finished his crackers, brushing the crumbs off of himself, before picking up the three McDonald's fries he had gotten. Mitch wasn't complaining, those three tiny fries were a treat for him, he usually got nothing but water and crackers, so he savored these, making sure to get every little last bit of  grease off his dirty fingers.

Mitch studied his long fingernails before approaching the lock, his idea fresh in his mind. He tried putting a fingernail in the lock, but although he could fit the nail, turning it only hurt him, making no progress.

Mitch curled his hand into a fist and recoiled from the door, upset at his failure, but he had expected it so he wasn't that disappointed it.

Mitch picked up his paint brush and dragged the paint towards himself. Painting over all the injuries that had pained Mitch to see on himself. Instead of bruises and blood, Mitch only saw black and Mitch welcomed the change with open arms. Before Mitch realized what he was doing his whole right arm was black. He stopped there, putting the paint brush down, suddenly fearful. He wondered what He would say about Mitch's new look. Maybe He wouldn't recognize Mitch and Mitch would be able to leave.

Mitch sighed and put his head in his hands, smearing the fresh paint all over his face. He was a jerk, but Mitch doubted he was stupid.

Mitch did something he never thought he'd ever have the heart to do. He opened his mouth and started to sing.

Mitch was at first shocked to hear his own voice echoing all over the room. It sounded slightly off though, like it was his voice, but slightly altered like it belonged to someone else. But Mitch kept singing, kept singing until his voice sounded like his and kept singing after that until his voice was too raw to continue.

Mitch desperately wished for water. Maybe singing wasn't the greatest idea, but it made Mitch feel better and that's really all the mattered right? Mitch smiled softly to himself as he murmured lyrics under his breath, his voice hurt too much to actually sing, but Mitch was content on just murmuring words, to him it was singing, just very very quietly.

As Mitch sat in the bed, swinging his legs like a child would, the door creaked open and Mitch was shocked into silence.

"Oh don't stop my little songbird," He said picking up the tray, a large smile on his brutally handsome face.

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