You Watch Me

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"So you love Mitch huh," Alex collapsed into the armchair that sat, usually empty, across from Scott's desk. "I guess I was waiting for this moment ever since Mirch came back. You love him. Your leaving me."

"Alex," Scott started, but Alex kept going.

"It was always about Mitch. Mitch the love of your life, Mitch you names our child after. What about Mitchie Scott? You're leaving both of us?" Alex was on the brink of hysteria. "For someone who left you?"

"He didn't leave me!" Scott roared, slamming his fist onto the desk and the pens he had abandoned in the coffee mug rattled. "And I am not leaving you! Alex baby, I love you."

"But you love him." Scott bit his lip and nodded.

"Alex, I didn't want you to find out like this. I wanted to talk like civilized people rather than," he waved at the two of them. "Whatever we are right now."

"Maybe you should stay at a hotel for a while," Alex said coldly. "Until we've cooled off. I don't expect you to make a decision, I know how you are, but give me a status update. I'll call you when I'm ready for you to come home." Scott sighed but nodded.

"My stuff-" he said quietly.

"I'll drop it off later. I for one am still a good husband." Alex was out of the armchair in a minute and soon all Scott could see was his retreating back.

His phone rang and Scott picked it up, still out of it and watching Alex leave with sad eyes.

"Scott Kirk-Hoying here." He said quietly.

"Any reason you are not in this very important meeting?" His boss growled. Scott glanced at the clock and couldn't help himself.

"Oh f*ck."


Mitch wasn't sure how it happened. Maybe it was a spur of the moment type of thing, but before he knew it, his lips were on Alek's.

Alek gently pushed him away and looked into his eyes.

"Are you sure? I thought you loved Scott." Mitch frowned at the man in front of him.

"Of course I love Scott, unless the spot whatever was actually telling me different, but right now I love you and my heart and lips are telling me to keep kissing you." And that he did.

"I want to give you a nickname," Mitch said after a while of kissing.

"Like what?" Alek yawned only half paying attention, he was focused on whatever program was playing on the television.

"I don't know, something cute, something at suits you."

"Like what?" Alex said again.

"I dunno, freckle?" Mitch shook his head at himself.

"Ew." Was all Alek responded.

"Hunk? Not. Nope. Not you."


"Superman. Nah, I'd rather call you Clark or Kent or something."

"Um, you are not allowed to call me Clark."


"Let's save that one for you."

"I don't know if I'm suppose to be honored or mad."

"Let's go with honored."


"I don't like snickers."


"Mitch, I'm not much of candy person."

"You don't like Skittles either? Man, you're crazy."



"Should I be insulted?"

"Ha ha, very funny." Mitch rolled his eyes.

"I try."

"Come on tough guy," Mitch said patting Alek's knew before standing up. "I'm going to bed. And if you're complaining about my nicknames, you can come up with one for yourself."

Author's Note  *Please read*

Last chapter was exactly half way. This is chapter 32, and last was 31. So not counting this one, we'd have 31 chapters left. Just excited about that, so um yeah. Thanks for all the support you've been giving me, I really appreciate it  and I'm really excited to see/write this resolved. Anyway, I don't know if it is obvious but I have been prewriting, so most of my chapters do not have authors notes. However, my writing juices (that sounds weird, but we're going with it) for this story has slowed down quite a bit. BUT this doesn't mean that I will abandon this story, I love Stitches and by no means do I want to leave this unfinished. When we reach to the point where I have no more pre-written chapters, you'll know because I have an authors note concerning that factor. Some good news. I am going to update everyday until I get to the point where my chapters stop just to get y'all in the christmas spirit. However expect a decently long break once I run out of chapters because I need some time to figure out what is exactly happening in this story. But since it is my most active story on my account (Break My Walls is still an active story it just takes me long to get  inspired for that story) I want it to continue to be the most active story.

 I'm sorry for rambling for this long and I understand completely if you just skimmed. I just thought that y'all should be in the loop. 


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