I'm Aching

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"Scott?" Alex yelled, interrupting the little heart-to-heart he and Mitch were currently having. "Babe?" Scott immediately got up from his chair following the sound of Alex's voice.
Mitch could hear muffled conversation but her just wrapped his hands around, his now cold, coffee and waited for them to come back.

"Hi!" A small voice said interrupting Mitch's thoughts. He jumped in surprise before looking down at the small child standing next to him.

"Hi," Mitch said.

"I'm Mitchell, but everyone calls me Mitchie," the small boy said proudly. Mitch wasn't sure if he was supposed to smile of frown. He just kinda stared at the boy in front of him.

"Aren't you gonna tell me your name?" The boy asked. Mitch smiled, it was small, but still a smile.

"My name is Mitchell," he started. "But everyone calls me Mitch."


"Are you bothered?" Scott asked after he drew Mitch aside. Alex had started dinner and insisted that Mitch stay.

"By Mitchie?" Mitch asked glanced over his shoulder at the young boy who was chattering away about his day at school. "No, he's the sweetest thing."

"Not by him," Scott said also looking in the direction of his son. "By his name."

"You named him after me because you thought I was dead, correct?" Scott nodded.

"Yes," he said softly.

"I am not upset." Mitch said smiling. "In fact, it's an honor." He smiled at Scott before heading over to the table where Mitchie immediately started showing him his artwork he made in school. Mitch ooed and ahed at all the scribbles.

"Come here Mitchie," Alex said hoisting his son onto his hip. "Let's fix you a plate." Everyone started dishing themselves something before Scott noticed Mitch hadn't moved.

"Aren't you going to eat something Mitch?" Scott asked. Mitch nodded.

"I just want everyone else to go first, I don't eat much anyways." Scott frowned but did as he asked. When Mitch was sastifyid that everyone had gotten enough he dished himself tiny helpings of everything.

"Are you sure that's all you want?" Alex asked. "You can have more."

"Yes, I'm still getting used to large meals, better start small."

"Why?" Mitchie demanded. "Why are you still getting used to large meals?" Mitch looked over to his parents for help.

"Mitch um," Scott started. "Decided to not eat very big meals for a while," He glanced over at Alex for help.

"Therefore," Alex continued for a smile. "When he got off that diet he has to ease himself into eating larger meals." Mitchie looked between the three of them before accepting the answer with a huff.

Mitch mouthed his thanks when the five year old wasn't looking.

Alex, Scott and Mitchie continued the conversation like normal, as if Mitch had always had a seat at their table. Mitch felt his heart ache in his chest as he watched them wishing for those four years back.

Scott's phone dinged, interrupting the conversation, he grunted and dug it out of his pocket. He frowned as he read whatever had popped up.

"Mitchie..." He said, Mitch didn't look up already used to the name differences. "Sorry Mitchie," He heard Scott say. "I meant Mitch." Mitch looked up and Scott slide his phone over to him.

Suspect of Mitchell Grassi's kidnapped has been released from police custody due to lack of evidence.

Mitch read it, his facial expression never changing.

"What do you think about that?" Scott asked his voice low. Mitch shrugged.

"I'm fine with it, I never wanted him to get arrested anyway." He stood carrying his empty plate to the sink. "Thank you very much for dinner, do you mind if I call Kirstie?" Alex let him use his phone and Mitch dialed Kirstie's number.


Kirstie pulled up a while later and Mitch got in leaving the seemingly happy family behind him. Mitch just hoped he hadn't caused any conflict by visiting, besides, all he wanted was for Scott to be happy and if Scott was happier without Mitch present then Mitch was all for disappearing.

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