And Now that I'm Without Your Kisses

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  Mitch hugged the blankets to his chest.

"Abe?" He asked picking at a loose strand, unable to meet Abe's eyes.

"Yes princess?" He asked leaning back. Mitch sighed.

"How long have I been here?" Abe sat up and rubbed his face. He groaned before looking over at the smaller man beside him.

"I don't know Mitchie, about..." He looked down trying to remember. "Four years maybe." Mitch pressed his lips together and nodded. He knew he had spent about a year in the nicer room, but time passed so weirdly in the concrete room he hadn't known.

"Can you tell me why you took me in the first place?" Abe sighed but nodded.

"I first saw you at Starbucks, you were getting some coffee with that tall blond guy, I cannot remember his name..." Abe trailed off. "Well, that's not important. Anyway, I saw you and immediately knew I wanted you. So I watched you for weeks conducting the perfect plan to actually end up getting you.  And so, now you're here and I still love you the same, I just hope you love me." Mitch bit his lip.

"Scott." He finally said looking away from Abe. He was studding the wall even though nothing was decorating it.


"His name was Scott."

"Oh." They lapsed into an awkward silence.  "You know," Abe said scratching the back of his neck. "My niece once told me that every time there is an awkward silence a unicorn dies."

"Turn around," Mitch said.


"I'm going to shower and change and I don't want you to see." Abe closed his eyes and Mitch made his way to the bathroom.

"Did I do something to upset you?" Abe asked. Mitch hung up the towel he was using to dry his hair.

"Of course not. I was just... thinking."

"About what princess?"

"About what, who, I left behind." Mitch shook his head and brushed past Abe, leaving him standing stunned in his wake.

In Mitch's mind's eye all he could see was Scott. Not him as a whole, Mitch couldn't quite remember him like that. He'd remember parts, his smile, his eyes, his hair, his hugs, his kisses. Instead of making him happy, like these memories used to, he just felt a sense of loss. This is who he had left behind. He had left someone he loved so much for a life he was unhappy with.

Mitch wondered what he had learned to expect himself to wonder, how was Scott doing? Was he married? Did he have a loving family? Kids?

Then Mitch felt an even bigger sense of loss as he remembered those he had forgotten fort the four years he had been trapped here.

How was Kirstie? Did her and Jeremy finally get married?  Do they have kids? How big has Olaf gotten?

How was Kevin? Has he found someone? Has his cello skills improved?

How was Avi? Was he and Kevin as close as ever?

Names continued to float around Mitch's head and he collapsed next to his bed. He started sobbing.


More tears.


Mitch finally just shut himself down. Tears still trickled down his checks but he just moved himself to the bed. He laid on his back staring emptily at his ceiling.

"Mitchie?" Abe asked knocking softly at his door. "You okay sweetheart?" Mitch sat up knowing he looked like a train wreck.

"Yes," He said simply. Abe came over anyway, circling Mitch in his arms and pulling him close.

"I'm sorry." Abe said trying to sound sincere when in reality he wasn't sorry at all. Abe had gotten what he wanted in the end and that is all that really mattered to him.

"I just want to hear their voice, talk to him, and you've taken that away from me, you can't blame me for hating you for that. I'm sorry Abe, I really am, I've tried not to hate you, perhaps even love you, but you cannot blame me for missing them."

"Maybe one day Mitchie," Abe lied. "Maybe one day."

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