Your Bitter Heart

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Mitch had been staying at Alek's for a week now. They had become great friends and honestly Mitch was worried about falling in love.

Ever since Mitch had gotten out of there he had been telling himself that he didn't love Scott. That he didn't love Abe, and now loving someone, in his situation seemed dangerous and well, impossible.

"Mitch?" Alek called, Mitch was currently in the bathroom fixing his hair.


"Lexi's coming by today, so just um, be prepared." Mitch smiled, but when he looked at himself in the mirror he immediately stopped.

"Okay," He called back before leaning forward to study himself in the mirror. He smiled again but dropped it. When he smiled Mitch felt like he looked different. Phantom even. He didn't look like himself, he looked almost, happy. But in all his time away and captive happiness wasn't something he felt. Seeing it displayed so proudly on his face bothered him. Why would he look happy if he didn't feel happy. It was almost as if his own face was betraying him. Mitch frowned at himself tapping his cheeks before just letting his face slide into a neutral expression.

"Mitch? Breakfast's ready."

"Coming," With one last glance at himself in the mirror Mitch walked out of the bathroom. Mitch was immediately hit with the sent of bacon. After a moment he smelt the pancakes.

"Hungry?" Alek laughed when he saw Mitch's face.

"Are you kidding me? Of course I'm hungry!" Alek laughed again and put down a plate on the table. Mitch took the side that didn't droop, but of course if he wasn't care his plate would start sliding down the table. However if you sat on the droopy side there was a higher chance you'd cause the crack to get bigger and the plate could fall through. In other words, you couldn't leave your food unattended.

Mitch stabbed the fork into the pancakes and shoveled the food into his mouth.

"Mitch?" He looked up at Alek, his mouth too full to talk. Alek cracked a smile, Mitch suddenly noticed how good Alek looked smiling. His face was meant to display the happiness he was feeling. "I need to head into work today, there's food in the fridge, I have books scattered around here somewhere, the T.V. works," He paused at Mitch's look. "Sort of looks, and you can always leave the house." Mitch swallowed his food.

"You don't need to give me the run down before you leave every time, I've been here long enough t get it." Alek sighed and ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

"I just want you to feel safe and happy here, anyway, Lexi should be here around one," Alek frowned and Mitch cringed. He secretly prayed for Alek to smile again. "Just let her do whatever she wants, but you are allowed to not let her touch your stuff." He sighed and glanced up at the clock. "And I'm late, okay just put that in the sink when your done-" Mitch cut him off.

"Go Alek, your late and I'll be fine." Alek looked as if he was going to say something else, instead he nodded and rushed out the door. Mitch stayed seated until Alek was out of the house. Mitch then went to the window and watched Alek walk down the street, he doesn't have a car, to his work. When Mitch was satisfied that he wasn't going to turn around, Mitch locked the door. Without Alek around, the doors needed to stay locked. Mitch just felt safer that way, besides it wasn't as if he were leaving the house, he could let Lexi in.

Once Mitch was happy that everything was locked and he was as safe as possible he began to look for a book.

Authors Note:
Do you guys think my chapters are too short? I've been trying to make them longer, but you know I've failed at that...
I feel like I've been letting people down on how short of chapter I write.

Also, I've did the pledge thing for December and I am not sure if I am going to be able to do it. Of course I'm trying that's why I took the pledge, but whatever I am going to try and you are probably going to get a lot of chapters because of it. Just a heads up. But honestly I wouldn't be complaining about more chapters, but that's just me personally. I'll stop ranting now. 


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