But I know That I'll Make it Out Alive

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Mitch scoffed at himself. Use Alek as a distraction? Alek was too nice for that, to well, breakable. Plus Mitch wasn't a horrible person... or was he?

It was that question that scared Mitch. In truth Mitch was a coward. He was scared of lots of things. 

He was scared that he may secretly like the fact that Abe is "in love" with him. He was scared he'd fall in love. Hell, he was scared of letting go of Scott. He was even afraid of breaking hearts, something so fragile they break so easily, yet he tip-toed around them careful not to touch. 

Mitch was scared of breaking hearts because when he finally broke his own rule and let someone know he was in love with them, he broke their heart

He was afraid of going outside. Of putting Abe in jail. 

And it was quite possible Mitch was afraid of himself. Afraid of who he was, afraid of what he could be. He was afraid. Hell, he was afraid of Hell. He was even afraid of Heaven. He was afraid to put it simply. He was afraid. He wasn't sure if he was this afraid before Abe, or if Abe had broken him somehow. 


Alek placed the Kraft in front of Mitch, not quite realizing how un-orange it was. 

"Alek?" Mitch asked examining the noodles on his fork. "Did you put the cheese packet in?"

"Cheese packet?" Alek asked and Mitch instantly knew he didn't. For some reason he found this extremely funny and burst out laughing. "Wait, Mitch, cheese packet?" But Mitch didn't respond with words, just continued laughing at his failure to create something with directions. 

"Yes," He gasped. "The cheese packet."

"You mean I had to do something with that pouch?" He set Mitch off again and soon they were both howling with laughter, Alek mostly because laughter, specifically Mitch's, was contagious. 

"What did you think it was?" Mitch was crying, of course from laughter, but real tears were trailing from his eyes. Alek shrugged still laughing.

"A wet wipe?"  Mitch, who had just begun to clam down, was set off again, he laughed until he had tears running down his face, finally freed from the pool in his eyes. "I don't know, I assumed the cheese was already inside." 

"Explain," Mitch could barely get the words out. "The color." 

"I don't know," Alek had calmed down to the point of talking, only soft laughter every once and while. "White cheese?"

"White cheese?" Mitch howled. "In Kraft?" Alek shrugged, his own laughter picking up pace a little. 

"I don't know, I don't look at the box." For no reason, at least to Alek, this statement made Mitch laugh even harder. But all Mitch could think was that was the reason why Alek couldn't even cook something with directions, he burnt things in the microwave. "What's so funny?" And Mitch couldn't even try to answer that question he was laughing so hard.

Maybe that was the cure to crying or self doubt. Kraft Mac and Cheese.

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