I'll be Needing Stitches

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Authors Note
You all are getting a chapter cause I'm in a good mood even though I'm reading a very stereotypical book about the state I live in. And um, I don't really remember what happens in this chapter but if my memory serves me correctly, sh!t's about to go down.



Mitch woke up next to Abe again, this time clothes on and in his bed. Looking down at Abe Mitch felt a sense of fire in his belly. He wanted to leave this place. He wanted nothing more to leave and he would try everyday until he either died, or succeeded.

Mitch started his horribly thought out plan by breaking a plate and then spilling water on the floor. He looked at his mess and bit his lip thinking of how horribly wrong this could go.

"You alright Mitchie?" Abe said and got into position on the other side of the mess. Mitch immediately knelt to the floor to pick up the shards.

"I am so sorry." He got up holding the shard in front of him. He went over and slipped on the water, stumbling in real life and lurching forward, slicing Abe's arm. "I am so sorry!" Mitch repeated, half horrified at what he did and half proud that his horrible plan worked.

"Oh no, it's fine Mitchie," Abe said through gritted teeth. I guess love does blind you.

"You're really bleeding, I think you need to go to the hospital," Mitch was actually getting sick, the amount of blood that was on the floor. Abe nodded and Mitch ran and got paper towels, wadding some up so Abe could press it to his arm.

Abe left in such a rush he forgot to lock Mitch in his room, so when Mitch was sure Abe had left he went straight to the phone and dialed three numbers he had dreamed about pressing for a very long time.

"911," Said a friendly female voice. "What is your emergency?" Mitch couldn't speak he was so nervous.

"My name is Mitch Grassi," He finally said, his voice barely above a whisper. "And I was kidnapped four years ago."

The rest of it was a blur. The lady asking him question, people coming to the house, people having cameras, bright flashes of lights, being dragged to a car, being taken to a loud busy place, and people, people, people. So many people. Doctors telling him what was wrong with him. Detectives asking for names.

And then someone was hugging him. And crying. Sobbing really. Mitch rubbed the crying woman's back very confused.

"Mitch!" She cried. "Everyone said you were dead!" He pulled away and cupped her face in his hands.

"Kirstie?" He asked. She nodded still crying. "So," He said smiling. "How's life?" Kirstie laughed in disbelief.

"Your the one who was kidnapped! How are you doing?" He waved her question off. "Well..." She said finally. "I'm married and have a kid, a girl, she just turned a year a few weeks ago."

"Kirstie that's amazing!" She nodded the tears had stopped by now, but Mitch was sure if she had any tears left in her she'd still be crying.

"Do you think that after I get out of here you can take me to Scott's house?" Kirstie bit her lip.

"Mitch, I would but I don't want to upset you..." She trailed off.

"I just want to know that he's happy and to see him again." Kirstie nodded.

"I promise I'll take you,"

"Also, don't tell him about me. I want to see him before he sees me." Kirstie looked a little confused but nodded all the same. "You really are the best Kirst. See you later."

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