Bleed Until I Can't Breathe

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Alek and Mitch were packing for the long trip to some unknown place in the middle of nowhere. Mitch wasn't sure how he managed to convince Alek to come with him, but the only thing Alek refused to do was sell the small apartment. He was letting Mitch pay for everything. Mitch had money, so as he packed some of Ale's stuff in his own suitcase, why doesn't he use it. 

"Sugar." Mitch said suddenly.

"I'm not letting you call me sugar in public." 



"I will take that as a no."


"Golden? Golden what?" 

"Ah shut up, just Golden." 

"Um, no."

"I give up, I'm just calling you Bowers." 

"I have a first name."

"Shut up Bowers." Alek Bowers laughed and went back to packing his suitcase. 


"Come on Mitch, we are going to miss our chance to buy tickets." Mitch rolled his eyes but grabbed his suitcase and ran after the taller man. 


"Mr. Kirk-Hoying?" A small voice asked causing Scott to jump. 

"Yes?" He asked his receptionist, it was surprising really how much he trusted that woman. 

"You asked me to watch flights leaving correct?" Scott nodded. "Well..." She took a deep breath. "A man named Mitchell Grassi just bought tickets for a flight, it leaves in an hour. The flight is on Southwestern and it's heading to Gabon." Scott stood up immediately and grabbed his jacket.

"Cover for me Samantha?" He asked already heading for the door, not really caring about her reply. He hailed a cab and raced towards the airport, glancing at his watch as the cab speed towards the airport. 

He couldn't help but chew on his thumb nail and tap frantically. The tapping and chew got louder and more intense as the car slowed down in the traffic. 


"Ready Mitch?" Alek smiled behind him. 

"I was born ready Bowers." Bowers shook his head and too Mitch's hand in his own. 


The car speed up and Scott's tapping eased up a little. He leaned forward to the cab driver. 

"If I give you twenty bucks now then an extra twenty bucks when we get there will you go faster?" The driver nodded and Scott handed over a twenty that was perfectly smooth expect for the crease where his wallet folds. The driver nearly floored it and Scott checked his watch again. 


"Why does everything have to have a line?" Bowers complained. Mitch was fine with waiting, once you wait for four years, a twenty minute late doesn't seem that long.

"Be patient, we'll get on the plane soon enough." Bowers shook his head. (Authors note: in case any of you are confused Bowers is Alek, Alek's full name is Alek Bowers, hence the reason Mitch is calling Alek, Bowers. I gave Alek a nickname because Alek is really close to Alex, as you may have noticed, and my k keys has decided to be unreliable.)

"Yeah, but waiting is like, my worst nightmare." 

"Oh hush, we're going to board," The people in front of them started to move a little faster. "See? It's like the gods answered your wishes." Bowers laughed at Mitch and reached for his hand again. 


Scott arrived at the airport and payed the cab driver quickly, his hands nearly shaking as he handed over the money, when the driver was happy, Scott raced into the airport, his eyes scanning for Southwestern.

He found it and sprinted towards it, dodging people on his way. He checked his watch, he still had ten minutes. 

"Hi," He said breathing heavily. "Did your flight for Gabon leave yet?" The woman took one look at him before moving swiftly to her computer, the keys clacking under her long nails.

"I'm sorry," She said and his heart dropped. "Our flight to Gabon has left early. I can hook you up with another flight if you would like." Scott made a split second decision.

"Yes please." Keys clacked some more.

"Your flight leaves at eight-thirty tomorrow morning. Don't miss it," She added in a joking tone. He smiled too, although his was a little more sad and went and called Samantha. He clutched the tickets tightly in his hand as the phone rang.

I'll find you Mitch, he though desperately. I'll find you, and I'll take you home. That is a promise.  


Abe watched Scott from under a hat. He went up to a lady and booked a flight to Gabon.

"Lead me to him Scott," He murmured quietly. "And once you've done your job," He smiled, a wicked thing. "I'll slit your throat." 

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