Falling onto My Knees

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Authors Note
Y'all have been so supportive and I'm glad cause I love this story to death. So thank you so much! I'll just shut up so you can just get on with the chapter


"You cannot scare me like that," Mitch checked the time on the clock he had finally convinced Abe to install. He'd been ranting on this for about ten minutes now, repeating the same thing over and over again. Ever since Mitch got home from Abe's Doctor friend, Abe has been completely over protective. Not letting him do certain tasks, making him go to sleep exactly at 9:00 and staying until he fell asleep. Abe was now lecturing him about how he shouldn't carry too many plates, of course this happened after Mitch had dropped the plates. Abe was drawn to the scene and pulled Mitch away from the shards of ceramic, cleaning them up himself while Mitch sat upstairs 'away from potential danger'.

Mitch was alone.
He knew this, he heard the door slam. Abe had gone out drinking for he wore the leather jacket, the same jacket he worse whenever he went drinking. While Mitch didn't loath Abe, he learned to loath that jacket, as if the jacket were the cause of the turn in character, not the alcohol. Mitch, unable to do anything but wait sat bouncing a tennis ball that he managed to snag off the floor so it hit the wall then came back to him. The hours ticked by only the steady sound of the tennis ball hitting the floor was heard.

Then the door slammed and the tennis balls continuous sound stopped, the ball itself rolling under the bed, out of reach.

Mitch sat perfectly still as clunking footsteps marched with the stairs to where he was now. His door was pushed open and a hand was around his throat. Mitch soon found his back pressed to a wall and his feet off the floor. He struggled to get air and soon he was falling, the floor slamming into his hands and knees. Air rushed into his lungs and he gasped trying to see through his blurry eyes. He had barely caught his breath when he felt a sharp pain in his ribs and the air rushed out of him. Mitch was flat out crying now, but the tiny man refused to make any sound. Once the blows were less frantic, larger breaks in between them Mitch rose to his feet. He looked at the tall drunken man in front of him. He wrapped his arms around Abe's neck and pressed his lips to Abe. Abe relaxed and kissed him back. He reached down and picked up Mitch's legs, not breaking the kiss. Abe was carrying Mitch somewhere and Mitch was too frightened to notice where.

He had stopped one problem only to cause another.


Mitch woke up naked and in the black bed rather than the white one he had grown so used to. He turned over and looked at the man next to him.
He sat up in bed and put his head in his hands, breathing out a disgusted breath. He glanced around the room and saw his clothes.

Mitch had no idea what had gone on that night, he was in a habit of tuning out things he didn't want to know and past Mitch had decided this was one of the things he didn't want to remember.

"Mitch?" Abe asked sitting up, Mitch realized this was one of the few times Abe has ever used his name. "What happened?" Mitch didn't respond at first. He could remember.

"I..." He trailed off looking at the clothes discarded on the floor. "I don't know, but I have a pretty good idea.

Authors Note

Sorry for the short chapter, I just thought this was a good stopping point 😝


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