You Lured Me In

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It was raining. Of course it was raining. But Mitch tucked is bangs behind his ear and threw his hood over his head. With a wave to the man behind the hotel counter he headed out into the pouring rain. Abe was leaning against the light pole. He didn't have a hood on so his hair was plastered onto his forehead.

Mitch approached and Abe barely looked up. Mitch came to a stop a little to Abe's right, feeling sick to his stomach, as if he knew something bad was going to happen.

Abe looked over with a sly grin on his face, Mitch backed up, feeling scared for his freedom.

"I only came here to tell you to leave me alone," Mitch lied, his nerves were taking over.

"No you didn't," Abe laughed. "You came to meet me and I came to take you back." Mitch started running now. He just darted away from the man on the light pole. His hood flew down but at this point Mitch didn't care about his hair. He just wanted to get away.

"In here," A voice whispered. Mitch turned and slipped into the open door.

Mitch crumpled the floor, tears streaming down his face. He repeated to himself how stupid he was, over and over again. He sat there and just cried, the person who had let him in, rubbing his back the whole time.

"I'm so sorry," Mitch finally said picking himself off the floor and wiping the remaining tears onto his sleeve, but the tears no longer came and for the first time in a while his face was dry. He turned to his savoir. It was a boy, maybe a little younger than Mitch was himself, although he was much taller. About Scott's height. He had bright green eyes, brown hair that was styled in a quiff and a freckle that was just below his left eye.

"It's fine, you're Mitch Grassi right?" He asked, his hand never leaving Mitch's back. Mitch nodded. "I saw your encounter and you running, so I thought I'd step in to help."

"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to talk to strangers?" Mitch asked not meeting the boy's gaze.

"Doesn't everyone you care about start as a stranger?" Mitch cracked a smile.

"I suppose so."

"I think we need a proper introduction," A soft hand cupped Mitch's chin and pulled his face up to he was looking into the boy's eyes. "My name is Alek."

"I'm Mitch but you obviously already knew that." Alek smiled.

"Listen Mitch," He said dropping his hand to the side and heading over to the other side of the room, which was set up like a living room. "Let's get you fixed up and then you can go back to your hotel room-"

"No," Mitch interrupted him. Alek turned to look at him and Mitch wrapped his arms around his middle and looked down. "Abe knows where that is and I don't ever want to see him again."

"Okay, um, you can give me your room key, I grab your stuff and you can crash here until we find you a place."

"Why would you do that for a stranger?"

"Because maybe one day you'll become a friend." Mitch felt the room key slide out of his pocket. "Stay here, make yourself at home, I'll be right back." Mitch heard the door open and then slam and just like that Mitch was alone in someones house that he didn't even know.

The door opened after a few minutes. Mitch was still standing where Alek left him.

"I'm sorry..." A female voice said slowly. "Is Alek here?" Mitch shook his head.

"He left a few minutes ago." The female sighed and Mitch heard the sound of the zipper.

"Why are you just standing there?" Mitch bit his lip and stood up straight. He turned.

"I don't know." He turned to look at the girl. She had long brown hair that was braided back and blue eyes, she was a little taller than Mitch.

"Do you know when Alek will be back?" Mitch shook his head.

"No sorry." She sighed again and went to set the bag she was carrying onto the kitchen counter before flopping down onto the couch.

"Well," She said turning to Mitch. "Are you going to sit down?"

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