Got a Feeling That I'm Going Under

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Ashley sat between Scott and Mitch as they all sat around the table stabbing at their meal. Ashley and Scott both dug in straight away, while Mitch spent more time stabbing at his than eating, for some reason the thought of eating food made his stomach clench uncomfortably so he only at small bites of the bland food at a time. When both Ashley and Scott had finished Mitch wasn't even a quarter of the way done, but still he insisted that his plate be taken from him and
"No really Scott, I'm full."
After the meal, Ashley vanished into her room to work on homework while Scott worked from the kitchen table, tapping away at his keyboard. Mitch hovered around Scott, throughly confused on what he was supposed to be doing right now. Scott noticed and looked up from the keyboard to meet his eyes.
"You usually watch TV at this time," Scott said kindly, Mitch nodded his head and wandered over to the TV, flipping it on with a click of the button. He nearly laughed out loud at the fact he could flip through channels, this whole flat screen seemed foreign to him, but oddly familiar. Mitch finally came to rest on this show. He had no idea what it was about, but instinct made him stop on it.
For some reason Mitch knew every character name and who liked who was related. Perhaps it was some of his memory coming back, Mitch realized with a jolt. Abandoning the show Mitch sifted through his brain looking for any slivers of information on some of the memories Scott and Ashley had shared with him. When he came up empty handed Mitch was very disappointed, but just ignored that and turned his attention back to the show, getting really into, not to the point of talking to it, the show. 
Soon, Mitch heard the creak of a door being open and he saw Ashley slipping folders into her backpack, before bounding over to Scott, the girl was just a bundle of energy, kissing his cheek before skipping over to Mitch and plopping on the couch right next to him.
"Ooh," she said once she saw the screens "What are we watching?" Mitch shrugged and Ashley cuddled into his side, eyes glued to the screen in front of her. Mitch draped his arm across her shoulders, it was uncomfortable having it pinned to the side of his body, and rested part of his head on top of hers. After maybe an hour of smuggling and watching various shows, watching whatever came onto this channel they watched, each of them too lazy to lean forward and grab the remote, Scott came and squished Ashley in between them. Scott draped his huge arm across both their shoulders, drawing them closer to his side. Mitch could feel their body heat and it made Mitch feel warm and protected. A huge smile drifted across Mitch's face as he watched the screen completely content with his family. They may not be the most organized, or the most whole, but to Mitch they all loved each other and nothing could get more perfect that than. Mitch started gasping for air, and both Scott and Ashley withdrew from him, obviously scared about what was going on. Mitch would of tried to reassure them he was okay, but he couldn't speak and frankly, Mitch was scarred too.

"What's wrong daddy?" Ashley asked reaching out for him. It wasn't until then he realized. The realization made him stop gasping.

"Oh my god," he said looking at the two of them tears filling his eyes. "Your not real." Once he said those cursed word out loud Ashley and Scott became to turn to dust. Tiny pieces of them covered the floor like dust and a room with a rusted lock on the door came into view.

Mitch wept in that cement room, grieving for a family that never existed.

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