Chapter 3- What Did I Just Do?:

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Chapter 3- What Did I Just Do?

         My eyes fluttered open and I rubbed them to try and get some of the sleep out of them. I yawned and stretched and looked around my room. The sun was high in the sky and I looked at the clock seeing bright red lights flashing 10:15. I scratched my head and sat up. I stopped to listen to try and hear any sound of movement just to check if anyone was home. It was all quiet. I got up and stretched some more, making my muscles feel good and smiled. I got a great night’s sleep. I walked to my bathroom and screamed when I saw myself in the mirror. My hair! What happened to my hair! I slowly reached my hand up and touched it slightly and jumped. It was my hair. My hair was completely dyed. It looked great but how…Michelle! She colored my hair in her home salon! Now I remember! I laughed at myself. Wow, I can’t believe I screamed! I’m such an idiot!

         When I was done in the bathroom, I went downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat when I saw a note on the fridge. It was from my parents. They said that they’d gone to work and left me some barbecued chicken wings in the fridge for when I get hungry. “Yes!” I whisper yelled and pumped my fist in the air. A day all alone and chicken wings to myself. This was going to be awesome! I did a happy dance as I grabbed my chicken wings out of the fridge and went into the living room to watch some TV. I chose to watch a movie instead and put it in. I plopped down on the couch, grabbing my plate of wings and getting comfortable as I hit play and began watching Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. This was my day.

         After about an hour into the movie and eating my wings, the doorbell rang. I groaned loudly and stomped over to it when I got an idea. The movie was as the part where Gandalf was about to face the demon of the mine. Maybe I could do a little role play, I thought evilly to myself. I smiled evilly and waited until the right part came, turned up the volume on the TV and I flung the door open, not seeing who it was.

         “You cannot pass!” I shouted at the same time Gandalf did.

         “Gandalf!” Frodo yelled in the movie.

          “You shall not pass!” I yelled loudly at the same time Gandalf did and slammed down my imaginary staff. Lord of the Rings and chicken wings got me hyper. Very hyper. Especially barbecued chicken wings. I laughed and laughed until I calmed down and immediately froze when I finally saw who was standing in the doorway. My jaw dropped to the floor like a weight and my eyes went as wide as saucers. There, standing in my doorway, was the most beautiful boy I’d ever seen and a smaller girl that was so beautiful, I thought she was a model. Holy crap who are these people?

         “Uh, you done with your little show?” the boy asked while chuckling. I felt myself blushing at this. Ah crap, what did I just do?

         “Uh, yeah, sorry about that. I was just…I wasn’t expecting…I mean I wasn’t…I mean you weren’t…I’m Cassie,” I said and held my hand out. He chuckled again and the girl smiled widely. They went shake my hand when I noticed something. I had barbecue sauce all over my finger. Crap! “Sorry about that, I was just eating chicken wings that my parents left for me in case I got hungry since I’m here by myself for the day because they’re at work for a while and we just moved in so,” I rambled. What was I doing? Why was I telling them this? They didn’t want or need to know any of this! “Sorry, I shouldn’t be telling you guys any of this.”

         The girl laughed. “It’s okay, we’re neighbors! Well not really, we live a few minutes away from here but we heard that you guys were back so we decided to come and visit! I’m Katie,” the girl said with a big smile. I gave her a small smile back as I looked her over. She had long, dark brown hair and she was really pretty. She had chocolate brown eyes and high cheek bones that made her look cute like a little girl but yet mature at the same time. She was slightly tan and perfectly fit. The more I looked that her, the more self-conscious I became. I averted my gaze and looked at the guy. I swear my heart stopped as soon as I laid eyes on him. He was beyond hot! With his beautiful brown hair and his gorgeous blue eyes that were as deep as the ocean. It felt as though time froze as soon as I looked at him. Neither of us moving or blinking. Just staring. He looked like an angel standing there, staring back at me.

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