Chapter 16- Nothing Between Us Will Ever Be the Same Again:

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Chapter 16- Nothing Between Us Will Ever Be the Same Again

I put my phone back on the table and let my head fall back onto the pillows as I thought about what to do. I’d been checking my phone for the past few days now to see if anyone wanted to talk. No one did. I’d texted Alex that I couldn’t make it yesterday because of my ‘condition’ so he agreed that I should stay in bed. That wasn’t what I’d wanted to hear. If he had asked me to, I would’ve snuck out to go with him wherever he was planning on taking me to make up for last week. I didn’t go to school all week because of this stupid body change. I rolled my eyes and scowled at the thought. Of all the people, why did this have to happen to me? I didn’t ask for this!

I tried texting Stephanie also-Alex gave me her number, along with Katie. They were out of town on a family vacation until tonight. I folded my arms across my chest and stared at my dresser. There was nothing else to do. My parents had me on house arrest/bed rest because of this. They were monitoring my every move. Well not really, but they came up to check on me every ten minutes. And let me tell you, it’s not fun having to say the same things all the time to the same people. ‘I’m fine mom’ and ‘I can still feel everything dad’ or ‘No I don’t want anything while you’re out. Go and have a good time while I lay here doing absolutely nothing!’

I was so bored I was actually begging my mom to bring me my schoolwork. You know that’s a problem when you result to that. I was dying to go somewhere-anywhere! Even school with the most annoying people and teachers for crying out loud! Oh my gosh, I’ve gone insane! I can’t believe I was so broken as to be dreaming of going back to school! I’ve gotta get out of here! The only problem was how…

I dove for my phone as it vibrated on the table by my bed. My fingers itched to type away to someone in the world. But when I saw who it was, they froze. I wasn’t expecting Nate to be the one to text me. I actually hadn’t talked to him at all since our little argument.

Nate: I miss you.

I hesitated to type back. I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to text him back. But I had to admit, I did miss talking to him and walking through the meadow together. That’s what I always looked forward to everyday. I missed that.

Me: I miss you too.

Nate: I wanna talk to you. Meet me at our place?

I could feel a smile rise to my face when he called it ‘our place’. That’s what we’d called it since we were the only two that knew about it. It was nice having a place of your own, and even better having one other person to share it with.

Nate: I’m on my way.

I got up and threw on some new clothes. Screw staying in bed. I needed to get out of here. If I stayed here for one more second, I’d start seeing things and talking to myself. I shuddered at the thought.

I moved around carefully so that my parents wouldn’t hear me. When I was ready, I looked back at the door before hopping onto the tree and climbed down. When both feet touched the ground, I made a run for it for the woods. When I was sure that my parents couldn’t see me, I slowed down to a walk.

When I got to the meadow, I could see Nate sitting with his back facing me. I quietly made my way over-knowing he could still hear me. I sat next to him without saying anything. We sat like that for minutes. It wasn’t an awkward silence, surprisingly. It was just a silence. It was the right kind of silence. It wasn’t a nice one, but it didn’t make you want to clear it by doing or saying something. It was just one that needed to be there.

Nate turned to me and sadness and guilt were the only things on his face. I locked eyes with him for a minute before having to look away. I felt too bad about everything.

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