Chapter 40- Out of This World:

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Chapter 40- Out of This World

Jake forced me to stay home all day the next day. Well, not exactly home, it was the pack house. But to me, it felt just like home. He still wasn’t comfortable with me being on my own- even though I had my dad. But he didn’t want my dad on his own either so he had us stay at the pack house for the time being.

I was sad when I found out that I wouldn’t be able to spend the day with Jake, but he had to do rounds to make sure that Nate and the rest of his rogues weren’t anywhere near pack grounds. They still had no lead as to where he was or what his plan would be next. Thing is though, I knew what his plan was. It was to get back at me in every way he could possibly think of. And that thought scared me the most because he could do anything he wanted without any of us having a clue as to what it could be.

I sighed as I walked around the mall with Katie. Steph was supposed to come with us but she bailed so that she could hang out with Chris since Jake gave him the day off but took Alex and Mason and my dad for patrol.

“Here, try this on,” she said holding up a powder blue ankle-length skirt. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. We’d been going from store to store for over two hours now and she insisted that I try on ever skirt or dress in sight for my date with Jake tonight.

“Katie, I’m tired of trying on stuff. Can’t we eat?” I whined. I hadn’t eaten anything all day because as soon as I walked out of the room, she dragged me back in and told me to get ready so that we could go.

“No! You need the perfect outfit for tonight! Now come on, I think I saw something back at Hollister!” she exclaimed and grabbed my wrist. My eyes almost bulged out of my skull.

“Um, no thanks! I think I’m going to go to the bathroom real quick, you know, nature calls!” I said nervously. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to get away, even if it was just to the bathroom.

“Okay, if you’re sure. I’m going to look anyways. I’ll meet you in the food court in half an hour,” she replied and walked away. Well that was easier than I thought.

Yeah, why didn’t I think of that before?

  I sighed in relief when she was out of sight and made my way to the bathroom. When I was finished, I went out into the food court and started looking around for a place to eat. I decided on Chinese food and when it was ready, I took my tray and looked around for a place until I found one in the middle of all the other tables and wooden benches. I sat down and waited until Katie came with bags and bags of clothes and other things in her hands.

“I left you for half an hour and you’ve already managed to raid seven different stores?” I asked in shock.

“Actually it’s ten stores. But anyways, I’ve picked out some of the cutest stuff and I think you’ll love them!” she gushed. I cringed internally. As much as I loved shopping, I only really went just to get the things I needed or really wanted and that was it before I left. Three hours was just too much for me though.

“Can we go now?” I begged. She huffed but got up anyways.

“Fine. I’m pretty done too, so let’s go.” I internally squealed with delight as I got up and followed her out to the car.

The only reason why we’d gone to the mall in the first place was to kill some time before she had to get ready for the prom tonight. Then we started talking and I told her about my date with Jake tonight and she insisted that we go and find the perfect outfit for me. That alone took up an hour and a half.

By the time we got back, all of the guys were there. I immediately went over to Jake and he wrapped his arms around me as soon as I got to him. I inhaled his scent and smiled into his chest.

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