Chapter 13- Making Up:

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Chapter 13- Making Up

You know that feeling that you get when you know you’re about to do something that could end up having a 50/50 turn-out? How your stomach starts to clench up because you’re about to make the wrong right with someone that hates you and you want them to forgive you because you really want to be friends? That’s exactly what was going on with me as I turned the corner of the connecting hallway.

I slowly looked around the corner and there she was. I took a few calming breaths, getting myself ready, and let myself be seen. But she didn’t see me as she reached into her locker and pulled out more books.

“Katie,” I said pretty loudly. She jumped and dropped her books. I grimaced and bent down to help her pick them up.

“You?” she asked when she saw me. I gave her a guilty smile.


“What do you want? Here to be more of a jerk and throw more stuff at me?” she snapped. Okay, I deserved that.

“Look, I know I am a jerk. A huge one. But let me just say this.”

“Save it. I don’t want to hear anymore,” she said and slammed her locker shut and turned on her heels.

“Katie I just wanted to-“

“Don’t bother. I won’t start anything with you anymore. Just leave me alone.”

All my life, I’ve had a short temper. I got it from my dad. So when I watched her not even bother to turn and look at me and instead continued walking, that temper came out as she walked out of the school and into the parking lot.

“I’m sorry okay?!” I shouted. She stopped, but still didn’t turn around. I knew people were watching-and by that outburst, probably listening. But at that moment I didn’t care. I just wanted to right my wrong. And she was making that pretty difficult for me to do. “I’m sorry,” I said slowly. I walked over to her and she turned to face me finally. “I’m sorry about everything I said and did to you. I just wanted to egg you one because…”

She looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to continue, but I didn’t. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

“I guess I should be saying I’m sorry as well. I am the one who started this all. I just…I got jealous and when you started punching Alex I thought you were actually trying to hurt him. I got carried away and then you were about to punch me so I got angrier.”

“Yeah…sorry about that too. But I only did that because…well…promise you won’t laugh in my face or anything?” I asked. I had to ask her sometime about my theory. I had to know if it was true.

She gave me a questioning look but nodded slowly. I closed my eyes and tried to think of how to say it. Unfortunately, my mouth had other plans.

“I thought you were a werewolf and Alex was your mate,” I blurted. My eyes flashed open and I took a step back, expecting her to blow up at me, or to start laughing. She didn’t do either. She just stared at me, mouth open and eyes wide.

“It’s true,” she whispered under her breath, but I heard her.


“Nothing!” she said quickly.

“So? What do you think?” I asked uneasily. She was staring at the ground intensely, as if she was trying to solve the hardest problem in the world and she got an answer, but it wasn’t the right one.

“I think…” she started. I watched as she tried to come to a conclusion in her mind. “I think…we need to talk. Soon.”


“As soon as possible. Friday?” she suggested. I nodded.

“Okay, Friday.”

“My house, at seven. You can sleep over because trust me, we’ll have a lot to talk about.”

What she meant by that I had no idea. I was satisfied with her answer. It wasn’t an exact yes, but it wasn’t a no either. So this subject could swing either way at the moment. But with the feeling I was getting, it was a definite yes. So if she is, that meant Stephanie was one too. And who knows who else could be. For all I know, every one of these people could be wolves. And then there’s little old boring me. Nothing special, nothing to look forward to. I started to get jealous Katie and Stephanie for what they had-what they were. It made me think about my life and how weak I really was. Here I was thinking that I was a freaking beast just because I got into so many fights and one almost every single one of them, when they’re over here just living the life being shifters.

As cheesy as it sounds, all my life I’d wondered what it would be like to have the ability to shift into my own wolf. I’d thought of what color she’d be and how big she was. What pack she’d belong to. If she’d ever find her mate.

I watched as Katie walked away across the parking lot to her car, and I made my way to mine, not being able to keep the thoughts of being a werewolf out of my head. Great, here we go again with the daydreaming about them. I swear I thought I was done with that years ago.

I ran upstairs to my room and flung my bag to the floor. Pulling out my phone, I checked to see if I had any new text messages from Nate. Ever since I’d first met him a few days ago, we’d been meeting at the meadow every day. We’d grown so close that I even gave him my email. I swear he’s just like an older brother-maybe even better.

A smile came to my face as I saw I had one from him. It was sent five minutes ago.

Nate: So how did the apologizing go?

I quickly typed a reply.

Me: Great…I think. I’m not sure yet, but I think I made some progress. Katie invited me to her house on Friday and she said we could talk then.

I tossed my phone onto my bed as I changed out of my jeans into some sweat pants. My phone buzzed and I looked down.

Nate: You coming today?

Me: Yep on my way.

I put my phone in my pocket before opening my window and climbing down the tree, and buzzing with excitement to see Nate again.

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