Chapter 34- She Lied to Me:

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A/N: So it turns out that you all won't have to wait any longer for another chapter because my little smart brain had already written two chapters for this story before I left last week! So, I'm pretty happy that I'm still ahead of the game and that I won't have to make you all wait any longer :) But last week was so much fun. Me and a bunch of other friends were down in Kentucky for the whole week just doing a bunch of stuff that was really cool and we got to see all the mountains and I got to try some pretty funky cool stuff. So, a quick shout out to all of those lovely people in Jenkins Kentucky because you all are fan-freaking-tastic! Sorry about all this, I know it's a pretty long authour's note, but I just had to get all of that out. Anyways.....enjoy!!!!! :)

Chapter 34- She Lied to Me

 I sighed heavily and bent over, running both hand through my hair and closed my eyes. When I stood back up, my mom was there watching me. I jumped slightly.

“Hi honey,” she chirped.

“Jeez you scared me,” I muttered as my hand flew to my chest.

“Well, your dad should be home any minute, I’m just gonna go to the grocery store,” she said and went to the door. I watched her confused.

“But I already went to the grocery store a few days ago. Remember that’s when you and dad got back from the meetings and he gave me his card,” I explained. I looked at her and she looked panicked at first, but it quickly masked over in a calm, cool, and collected expression.

“Yeah, I know. But, we don’t have any…uh…fl-flour! We don’t have any flour! And so I’m going to the store to get some more because we need it for dinner tonight!” she said quickly. My eyebrows shot up before furrowing in confusion.

Flour? I already got flour…or at least I thought I did…

I shrugged it off. “Oh, so what’s for dinner?” I asked. I was starving. Crying and sleeping for almost a whole day can really do some damage to a person’s appetite.

“Oh! Uh…dinner, is…um…fried...chicken,” she said slowly.

I gave her a weird look. “Mom are you feeling okay?”

She shot me a bright smile. “I’m fine Cass. I’ll be right back.” She walked out of the house and closed the door behind her. That smile was fake.

Since when does she call me Cass? No one calls me that. Well, no one except for Jake…

Something seemed wrong. And I wasn’t about to be one of those stupid girls in books and movies that just shrugs it off as nothing. If I feel something’s wrong, I follow my gut, no matter how much trouble it gets me into, because that’s what people with common sense do. Or that’s what curious people do.

I stay standing when I heard my dad’s car pull up to the house. He walked in the door and threw me a warm smile when he walked through the door. Yeah, my dad and I were on pretty good terms now. I guess it’s because I haven’t brought up the whole changing me thing. Well, not yet at least. I still wasn’t done with that conversation, I was just waiting for another time and then I’d strike.

“Hey honey, how was your day?” he asked as he walked through the hallway to his office. I followed him.

“Um, it was fine. Hey dad, do you know what’s up with mom?” I questioned as he unlocked his door and left it open for me to go inside. He furrowed his brows. I took a seat in the chair in front of his desk.

“No, not really. Why, is there something up? Is it something I should be concerned about?” he asked as he took his coat off and put it on the back of his chair and sat down. He pulled out his laptop and turned it on. As he waited for it to load up, he looked at me.

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