Chapter 42- We'll Do It:

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A/N: Hey everyone! So, I know, I know, it's been forever since I last uploaded this story but I still haven't gotten my stories back from my sister and I have absolutely no idea what I'll be able to get those back. But! Good news! I just wrote this next part for the story! Well, it's part of the next part of the story. This is all I've got for now but I guess it's better than nothing...right? I know, it's super short but I've got a lot of other stuff to do so this has to be it for now. I just hope that you all like it because it's all I've got for now. But yeah, so this is it. Oh! And one more thing! I've written and started up a new story called Deeper, please, please, PLEASE check it out because it's what I'll be working on until I can get my other two stories up and going again. It's going to be different than the two stories I've been working on, but I hope that anyone that reads it will like it as well. But so, here's the next part! Anyways.....enjoy!!!!! :)

Chapter 42- We'll Do It:

          I woke up in complete and utter bliss. Nothing could ever compare to the way I felt at that moment. Waking up in Jake’s arms was something words just couldn’t describe. Knowing that we were almost completely mated created a tingly feeling inside of me that couldn’t be stopped.

          I turned my head to the side to block the irritating sunlight from piercing through my eyes anymore. I inhaled deeply, smelling nothing but the delicious scent of Jake. A blissful smile crept onto my face as memories of last night came to mind and replayed over and over in my head. As if reading my thoughts, Jake’s arms tightened around me, almost as if he was trying to keep me in a death grip. As if I’d go anywhere else.

          I squeezed myself impossibly closer to Jake. Now that we were just a step away from being entirely mated, I didn’t want a single inch of space between us. And it still wasn’t enough.

          I felt his hand begin to rub my stomach lovingly, and I looked up to see him watching me with a proud smile on his face. His amazingly beautiful blue eyes were watching me, shining with love and adoration.

          “Good morning,” I whispered.

          “It truly is with you right here,” he whispered back. My heart stuttered, the butterflies beginning to awaken in my stomach. Jake chuckled, hearing the sound of my erratic heartbeat, but it soon calmed down to match the pace of his again. His hand moved from my stomach to trail up my back, to my shoulders and to my neck. He cupped my neck and pressed his lips just slightly to mine. My eyes drifted shut instantly and he moved his lips down to my neck. He inhaled deeply and placed a lingering kiss on the base of my neck. He moved further down to right over where my heart was and rested his head on my chest.

          “I love you,” I murmured. I could feel him smile against my skin.

          “You have no idea how much I love you,” he mumbled. That made the smile on my face grow wider. I felt him press his nose against my skin again and breathe deeply.

          “Do I smell good?” I asked teasingly. To my surprise, he nodded.

          “Better than before because now my scent is mixed with yours.”

          He lifted his head to look at me. I bit my lips and gripped his hair, bringing his face back up to mine and crashing my lips to his. I pushed his shoulder and he rolled over to let me on top of him. I straddled him and wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

          By the time we were able to separate from each other, I was exhausted, and it was two o’clock in the afternoon. We easily spent the day in bed. And it was entirely worth it.

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