Chapter 21- Worse Than We Thought:

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Chapter 21- Worse Than We Thought

I breathed in and out heavily as I slowly walked up the driveway to the house. My heart pounded in my chest with each step I took. Nate’s car was still in the driveway, so I knew he was still inside since the fight we’d had. I swallowed heavily as I made it to the front door. I looked back at Alex and Mason as they snuck behind the bushes quietly. They motioned me to go on, but I shook my head, chickening out. They both rolled their eyes before pointing at it. Alex snapped his fingers as he pointed to it, and I pouted. He gave me a serious face, telling me that I’d better do this or they would-and there was no way in the world I’d want that to happen. So with a deep breath, I opened the door and walked in.

You can do this Cassie. You’re strong, brave, and smart. You’ll be able to do this just fine. And remember, Alex and Mason are right outside if you need them. They’ll be in here in a second flat if anything goes wrong. Just think about that.


I froze in my tracks. I’d been on my way to the living room to find Nate to tell him I wanted to break up with him, but I guess I didn’t need to look for him anymore. I closed my eyes and slowly turned around to face him. I forced my eyes to open and I looked at him He was a mess. His hair was everywhere, his eyes were completely drained of any life and color. His skin was pale and his clothes were wrinkled everywhere. His voice was dull and lifeless.

“What, you’re not going to talk to me?” he asked. I just blinked at him and stood there dumbly. “What happened to you?”

He came forward and held my wrist in his hand to inspect my brace. I snatched it away from him and took a huge step back as my heart went into overdrive. I didn’t trust him touching me, or being that close to me anymore.

“Did I do that?” he asked confused. I felt my eyes harden. Of course he didn’t remember, his wolf had completely taken over. He wouldn’t be able to remember what’d happened.

“I need to talk to you,” I stated.

“Okay, about what?” he asked. He took a stance, his arms folded across his chest and he spread his feet out so they were shoulder-width apart, as if he was getting ready for something. He looked like my dad when he was about to listen to some explanation from me on why I did something bad.

“I…I…” I hesitated. How could I possibly say this in the safest way possible?

“You…what?” he mimicked. I got mad instantly. I hated it when people did that to me. It made me sound stupid.

“I’m breaking up with you. I want nothing more to do with you. You hurt me and I can never forgive you for that. You snapped so fast that I couldn’t even blink. You would’ve killed me and I can’t be with someone like that,” I stated. I watched him. He didn’t move a single muscle. I swear it was so quiet, I could hear my heart beating out of my chest. I can’t believe I’d just said all of that.

I blinked, and that’s when I missed it. He moved. The next thing I knew, I was crashing into the kitchen table and it broke under me from the force of my body smashing into the wood. I landed on my bad wrist and tears pooled in my eyes when it finally snapped.

The door completely broke down as Mason and Alex charged in, going straight for Nate. Nate shifted into his dirty, dull colored wolf and went for Alex. Mason shifted and ran after Nate. They crashed through the wall and rolled outside. Holy fudge! How did they completely break a section of the wall?! Alex ran outside after them and he shifted as he ran. I tried to get off of the floor, but I was in too much pain. I’d never been thrown into a solid wooden table before, and let me just say, don’t ever try it at home.

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