Chapter 41- I'm Ready Now:

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Chapter 41- I’m Ready Now

When the dance was over, the DJ put on a fast song and we decided to stay and dance. My body got lost in the beat of the music and my hips swayed to the music that blasted through the speakers. Jake rested his hands on my hips as he danced behind me. Soon though, Katie and Steph joined me and Jake left. We got so lost in the music that we didn’t even care who was watching us. We just danced like there was no tomorrow to and Miley Cyrus’ ‘Fall Down’. And then we kept going when ‘Wop’ by J-Dash came on. As we danced, the lights got darker until the only light that showed were the strobe lights.

The bass thumped through the speakers, making my whole body vibrate with it and I loved every single second of it. Steph started to grind on me and I threw my head back and laughed. I felt Katie dancing behind me and so I ground my butt into her. She held onto my hips and pulled me closer to her. I glanced back at her and laughed as we danced, our hips moving smoothly to the beat of the club music. A strobe light was pointed on us as we continued to dance in the middle of the dance floor with people surrounding us.

A bunch of wolf whistles and cries of excitement blasted through the room as a bunch of guys watched us. My eyes caught sight of our boys standing a few feet away at the punch bowl, watching us as we danced. Amused smirks were on their faces and Mason whooped and came over and joined our grind line. We went in front of Steph and Alex went behind Katie. Chris joined and got behind Steph. We beckoned Jake to join us. He threw his head back and laughed but complied and stood behind me. Spencer was nowhere in sight but I knew he was somewhere in the room because I didn’t see him leave yet.

After five more fast dances, three other slow ones, and a major twerk contest between Mason and Spencer, my feet started to ache and I went over to the table with the food and drinks.

“I’d skip out on the punch if I were you,” a voice said behind me. I turned to see Spencer reaching for a cup and dipped the ladle into the bowl.

“Hey, I’ve been meaning to talk to you,” I said as I watched him take a sip of the punch and squint for a second before he was fine.

“Yeah, this stuff is seriously deadly,” he mumbled.

“Spencer, I wanted to talk to you back at the meeting yesterday but you ran out,” I said seriously.

“No I didn’t. I walked out. You were just too slow.”


“Okay, what do you want?” he asked facing me.

“Why did you hesitate when you made the last oath?” I asked.


“When I asked you if you’d stand by pack rules no matter what, you hesitated. I saw you.”

He sighed heavily before answering. “Look, Cassie is it? You’re really nice and all but I don’t think now’s the right time for this.”

“Well I think it is, so spill,” I demanded. He sighed again but complied.

“Fine. You wanna know why I didn’t answer right away? It’s because no one knows what could happen in the future. What if something happens to Jake, or Alex, or even Katie and they break the pack rules and you and Jake have to punish them by your law?” he asked.

“Then we give them a fair trial before giving them their punishment,” I answered easily.

“Cassie, I don’t think you understand what that actually means. Have you ever even read what the rules are of the pack? Or asked what happens when any of them are broken?” he asked looking me directly in the eyes. I was quiet for a moment.

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