Chapter 15- The Table of Stupidity Just Turned On Me:

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Chapter 15- The Table of Stupidity Just Turned On Me

I woke up today and noticed that my parents weren’t home. They must’ve gone in to work early. I rolled out of bed and got ready for the day. As I grabbed my bag before heading out, I noticed something shining on my bedside table. I looked at it and a smile immediately plastered on my face as thoughts of yesterday entered my mind.

I managed to take my eyes away from the pearl and head out. I looked at the time on my phone to see that I was actually an hour early for school. I stopped dead in my tracks as soon as I saw the time. What in the world am I doing? Why did I wake up so early? I rolled my eyes at myself and groaned loudly as I went back inside. What was wrong with me?

As I walked back up the driveway, I noticed something was wrong. My stomach started churning the wrong way and I put a hand on it, as if it would stop if I did. I stopped walking and it got even worse. I felt bile rise up in my throat and I slapped a hand over my mouth as I booked it back into the house, flinging the door wide open and not even bothering to close it as I chucked my bag across the room and sprinted for the toilet in the nearest bathroom.

When I was done upchucking all of the contents in my stomach, I leaned against the wall, resting my head against it. What the freaking heck just happened? I kept my eyes closed as I tried to think of anything that could have triggered this. I didn’t eat anything this morning because I thought I was running late so I had rushed through everything. But that’s nothing new. I didn’t remember ever eating anything out of the ordinary. Nothing could’ve made me puke up my guts. So why was I?

I slowly got up, and rinsed my mouth out. I decided I’d stay home today just in case anything else happened. As I walked over to where I left my bag, everything felt wrong. My whole body ached in a way I’d never felt before. It was as if everything was in the wrong body. Like nothing in me was…mine. Everything felt out of place. My heart was beating at an abnormal pace and my stomach twisted and turned the wrong way. My head was pounding so severely, my vision was actually blurry. I gripped onto anything that would support me as I went and closed the door.

I practically climbed up the stairs to my room. I changed out of my jeans and put on my pajamas instead. Maybe if I was more comfortable, the pain would go away. As I cautiously made my way down the stairs, I decided I should call my parents and see if there was something they could do. I sat down on the couch and dialed my mom on my cell.






 Of course she didn’t answer. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

Why mom? Why? The one time I actually need something and you don’t answer.

I hung up and tried my dad. It rang a couple of times and I thought he wouldn’t answer either. But on the fifth ring, he answered.


“Dad, it’s me, Cassie.”

“Is something wrong?” he asked sounding worried. I laid down and put a hand on my forehead as it still pounded away.

“Yeah, something doesn’t feel right.”

“Uh honey maybe you should talk to your mother about this,” he said warily. I rolled my eyes for the third time today.

“No not like that. And plus I already tried mom. She didn’t answer.”

“So what’s wrong?”

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