Chapter 29- And Here Comes the Panic:

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A/N: So I'm pretty happy with how many reads I've gotten for this story so far. I just wanna say thank you to everyone that's been reading it so far, you guys are awesome!! I hope that you guys have like it so far!!! And if it's not too much to ask, if you could maybe do a little voting, tell a friend, or leave a comment, then that would be even better! So since I'm so happy, I've decided to do some uploading! So I'm gonna upload 2 chapters today, and once again, thanks for all of you guys reading this, it really means a lot to me! Anyways.....enjoy!!!!! :)

Chapter 29- And Here Comes the Panic

I chucked my book into my locker and slammed it shut. I jumped and shrieked slightly when I suddenly saw Alex leaning against his right next to mine with a massive smile on his face.

He grabbed me and lifted me off the ground and started spinning me around. I laughed as he did and he set me back on the ground.

“You are the greatest best friend ever!” he cried as he still squeezed the life out of me.

“I’m glad I could help! So she said yes?” I asked hopefully.

“Well duh! I wouldn’t be doing this if she hadn’t! I owe you big time Cassie!” he said happily. I waved my hand dismissively.

“Eh, no worries. I’m just glad I could finally get you two love birds together again. That’s what I really wanted, and I got it. So you don’t owe me anything,” I said grinning. He smiled like an idiot and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“You are the best person in the world! Thank you!” he said hugging me again. I wrapped my arms around him.

“Don’t worry about it! Now, let’s go eat. I’m starving.”

We walked out of the building, arms linked and we started trying to trip each other.

Ah friendship…

But when we got outside, Alex froze. I looked up at him to see what was wrong. His whole body went rigid as he stared at something. More like glared. My eyes moved to where he was staring at. It was Jake. He was talking to some other guys, laughing, looking so happy. I smiled at them. I felt Alex’s muscle tense up in his arm and I looked at him again. What was he so angry for? Was he still jealous? I got him and Katie together, so I don’t see what he could be jealous about. Why was he so angry at Jake? What did he do? Did he even do anything?

Just then, the story flashed in my mind. The story that Alex had told me played over and over again. I kept hearing his voice in my head.

“The Alpha threatened me… He wouldn’t let me be with her… I had to do what he said… I had to let her go… The Beta has to help the Alpha no matter what…”

I suddenly became afraid. He wasn’t talking about Jake was he? I glanced at Jake again to see he was saying his goodbyes to his friends. I looked back at Alex. He couldn’t have…

No stupid, Jake wasn’t the Alpha then. Alex told you he first became Beta when he was twelve, and Jake doesn’t become Alpha for another few days.

Another few days. Jake’s birthday was coming up. And I completely forgot. How stupid could I be? I forgot about my own mate’s birthday! I groaned to myself, but Alex heard me.


“Jake’s birthday,” I moaned.

“Yeah, it’s tomorrow,” Alex said as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

“TOMORROW?!” I shouted.

And here comes the panic…

“Oh no…oh no…oh no…” I said in between breaths.

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