Chapter 30- Go, Go Samurai!:

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Chapter 30- Go, Go Samurai!

“So how come I haven’t seen you around so much?” I asked my mom as I iced the cake. Today was Jake’s eighteenth birthday, and I was put in charge of the cake. And sadly, that meant that I had to make it because apparently, he likes homemade cakes better than store bought. I had to agree with that. There’s just something about homemade cakes that make them taste…better. Except for ice cream cakes. Those were my favorites.

“Well, I’ve been busy at work for one. And two, I’ve been helping Michelle over at the pack house with this whole party she’s putting together,” she said as she packed all of the plates and forks and cups into large bags. We were also in charge of the utensils and plates and cups since Michelle was in charge of everything else.

“How long have you two been working on it?” I asked and sucked some of the chocolate icing off of my finger. Dang that’s good.

“Oh, about a week.”

“Why didn’t you tell me about it?” I asked. I smoothed down a part of the icing that was still too ugly-looking for my liking before I moved on to the next section that needed a little more.

“You were so busy; I didn’t want to put anything else on your plate. What with school and prom, you hardly have time for anything else.”

She still didn’t know about what’s really been going on to keep me so busy. Neither does Alpha Spencer. I guess since Jake was about to become Alpha, there was no need to. Plus it didn’t concern him. My dad only knew about it because he could smell a lie from a mile away and instantly knew something was wrong when I came home after everything went down. I had to spill about it all. It didn’t concern him either, since the pack wasn’t threatened in any way. But I still had to tell him. He wasn’t too happy about it, but he eventually got over it.

As far as my mom knew, I was still just friends with Nate. Yeah, I told her about he and I being friends because we were at the time. I just never told her anything else. And that’s how I want it to stay for as long as possible.

“Yeah, but you still could’ve told me. I would’ve found time to prepare and everything. I had to run all around yesterday and beg to at least fifteen people to get what I had to get.”

“Sorry hon. I was just worried about you,” she said with a grimace.

“It’s fine. Well, now I’ll know for future reference,” I said with a shrug. She smiled gratefully at me and I went back to icing the cake in silence and when I was finished with the icing, I put raspberries all around the top of it so that they made one big circle.

 When I was done with the cake, I took a step back to admire my work. I had to admit, I was a pretty dang good baker. My mom came over and put an arm around my shoulders and looked at the cake too.

“I have to say, I think you may be a better baker than me. That looks really good Cassie,” she said. I smiled at my handy work.

“Yeah, not too shabby huh?”

“Jake’s going to love it.”

“Hey mom?” I asked suddenly. She looked at me and I turned and hugged her. “Thank you,” I mumbled into her shoulder. She squeezed me back. I missed moments like this with her. I loved my mom so much; I was rude to her for the past few days. Sure I’d apologized, but that still doesn’t make up for anything. She was still my mom and I shouldn’t have said any of the things I did. I was wrong. She was just being a mom.

“I love you Cassie,” she said softly.

“I love you too,” I whispered. She squeezed me once more before letting go.

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