Chapter 37- Not Gonna Die Just Yet:

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Chapter 37- Not Gonna Die Just Yet

I pulled against the chains harder than before, but they went the exact same distance as they did all the other times: nowhere.

I groaned loudly in frustration as I tried and tried to think of ways to get out of this place. Wherever this place was. When I’d woken up, I noticed that this place was just like an operation room. There were machines everywhere along with wires. There was a small table next to the one I was laying on that had medical tools on it. At the far end of the room was a bigger table that had a bunch of test tubes filled with different colored liquids and a couple of Bunsen burners and other chemistry lab tools.

No one had come around. I’d tried multiple times to call out to somebody. But no one ever answered. I’d probably been stuck in this room for a few hours by now. Someone had to have been here by now. But there was no one.

But one particular person walked into the room just then. And that person, was none other than the woman who lied and betrayed my dad and I all this time. Behind her though, was the guy that made my heart swell every time I saw him no matter what, but then, he was broken and bruised with four men behind him. The look of pain on his face said it all and I immediately used my powers to help him and took away every ounce of his pain until his face was relaxed. His eyes locked with mine and I sent him a loving look.

“Jake,” I whispered. My heart clenched as he stared into my eyes. I licked my dry lips as he stared at me with a desperate look on his face. I knew that he was thinking of ways to keep me safe.

That was the one thing that never failed about Jake. He’d always try to protect me no matter what- and I’d do the same for him.

“How did you get here? What happened?” I asked Jake.

“Alex called me. He told me to try and call you to see what was going on. I got your message and I went to your house as fast as I could but you weren’t there. And then they showed up,” he said motioning his head towards my step mother and her little goons. 

“Hello darling,” my step mother chirped sweetly. Her voice sickened me to the point where I’d almost rather talk to Nate than her. And that’s saying something.

“What happened to you? You’re supposed to be my mom. You’re supposed to love and support me. You’re supposed to help me no matter what. You betrayed me! You betrayed dad!” I spat. I gave her my most disgusted face. She didn’t seem fazed by it one bit. Instead, it seemed as though she relished in it. A smirk grew to her lips slowly as she stared at me. She walked towards me and Jake tugged on the chains that they had put him in, only to be pulled down to the ground. She came closer, trying to intimidate me with every step she took. I stood my ground. I wasn’t going to be afraid of her anytime soon.

“I did help you Cassie. I helped you survive this long. Without me, you would’ve been dead long ago. But no. I came just in time to save your pathetic little life.”

“If my life’s so pathetic, why did you let me live this long?” I countered. She paused and pursed her lips.

“Information. I needed information.”

“About what?” I snapped. I was tired of these little mind games of hers. It wasn’t fair that she kept everything to herself when it’s all supposed to come out. I deserve to know the truth.

“About you. About your life. About your father and mother. I had to see for myself if everything he said was true. And now that I know it is, I can finally get rid of you.”

As she spoke, two men came and grabbed my arms. I looked at the two of them as they got closer. One of them, I recognized. I’d seen him before. He was the one that Alex was talking to in the school parking lot a few weeks ago. I tried to think of his name. Did I know his name? I was pretty sure I did. I just couldn’t remember it for the life of me. I hissed in pain when they gripped me too tight and yanked the chains off of the table, but my arms were still connected to them. I kept my glare focused on my step mother as they literally dragged me away. I had no idea where they were taking me.

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