Chapter 24- Need to Know How:

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Chapter 24- Need to Know How

“So what are we going to do now?” I asked as I poured myself a cup of coffee. I was standing in the kitchen with my dad. He was seated at the kitchen island with a cup of his own, deep in thought.

“There’s only one thing we can do. Nate’s more than pissed now. We can’t keep trying to keep the peace when there is none anymore. We’re going to have to fight at some point,” he said tiredly. I chewed on my bottom lip as I stood across from him and sipped on my coffee.

“We don’t have a choice do we?” I asked dejectedly. He sighed heavily and ran his hands over his face.

“I don’t know Cass. I mean, we’ve done everything we could right? What more is there?”

I closed my eyes. I hated when my dad got stressed like this. It always made me feel bad. I knew that there was something I could do. But what? My dad looked so tired. He looked so…aged. It seemed like he was butter scraped over too much bread. He needed a break. But I couldn’t give him that until I turned eighteen. That’s when I’ll be able to claim the title of Alpha. Who knew that it could be such a stressful job? Alpha Spencer made it seem like a breeze. He was always the peace-keeper of the two. My dad was the more rational. He always looked ahead of things. He liked to stay two steps ahead. But Alpha Spencer focused on what was happening at the moment and he hated conflict. How they managed to stay away from it for so long is beyond me, but they did. At least until now. There was no way they could ever escape this.

I walked around to the stool next to my dad and hopped on it, holding my coffee between my hands. I sipped it some more, thinking of everything that I could do that would help the pack. As future alpha, I couldn’t just sit by and do nothing. Even if I was just a human, I could at least find something to do to help.

That’s it!

I gasped out loud, causing my dad to jump in his seat and some of his coffee to spill on the island.

“Dad! I think I figured out a way to help!” I exclaimed. He looked at me a little peeved-probably because I’d caused his coffee to spill and because I had scared the daylights out of him, but oh well.

“Well if you care to share…” he mumbled as he got up and went to the counter by the sink and pulled a paper towel off of the roll.

“Okay, so you know how you always say the more hands, the better?”


“Well, what if there was a way that I could join that group of hands?” I asked excitedly as he wiped up the mess. He looked at me with a confused face.

“Um, I’m not following you on this one.” He threw the paper towel away and sat back down and drank his coffee.

“Okay, what if there was a way I could become one of you?”

He spit out some of the coffee and started choking and hacking. I leaned back, startled, as he started pounding on his chest. I leaned back over and started pounding on his back to try and help him breathe properly again.

“Why…you…change…werewolf…why?” he choked in between coughs.

“Dad, is it possible for a human to become a werewolf?” I asked hopefully. He heaved and choked some more. But then he got up and grabbed his coffee before leaving the kitchen. I grabbed my mug and quickly followed him into his office.

I closed the door behind us and went to sit in the seat in front of his desk. He put his coffee on the desk before bending over and coughing some more. He drank some more coffee and cleared his throat.

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