Chapter 22- Of Course I Would Start Something Like This:

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Chapter 22- Of Course I Would Start Something Like This

“Are you sure?” Alpha Spencer asked.

“Positive. This just happened recently,” Jake answered. Alpha Spencer was leaning over his desk with his back turned towards us and his knuckles supporting his weight on top of his big desk. My dad stood by the desk with his arms across his chest. One hand was on his chin. He was deep in thought. Alpha Spencer was stressed out. I could tell by the way his shoulders were hunched and how his body tensed. Jake and I were on the black leather couch, I was sitting with my back against Jake’s chest and his legs on either side of me. Alex and Katie were sitting side-by-side in two chairs in the corner of the room. Chris and Stephanie were in one big chair. Mason was sitting in a chair with a leg overtop of the other.

Before we’d come in here, Jake and Alex had taken me to go see his mom since she was in the house. She looked at me and wrapped my wrist up properly and checked on my leg to make sure it was still okay in the cast. Apparently when I crashed into the table, I’d broken a couple of ribs and so she had to wrap my chest and a torso. After she did that she checked my head to make sure I didn’t have any severe injuries. She told me what Alex had-about me having a concussion, so I had to take it easy for a while. Which that was perfectly fine with me because I just felt pretty beat.

“How recent?” my dad asked.

“Well…which part?” I asked carefully.

“The part about you and that rogue being together.”

“As a couple?” I clarified. He shook his head.

“From the first time you met him. How long ago was that?” he asked. I had to think about that. It seemed like forever. Nate and I were so close that everyday seemed to last a lifetime. I hated to think that, but it’s true. He was just so easy to get along with.

“Um, a month or two I think,” I mumbled. It was dead silent in the study. Not one of them said a word. I actually thought they’d stopped breathing.

“You think?” Mason said finally.

“Well, I don’t know! We’ve been so close for a while now that…I kind of stopped counting the days,” I admitted. I felt like someone had sucker punched me in the gut when I looked at Jake’s face. I couldn’t even describe the emotions that were appearing and disappearing. He was trying to decide how to react to all of this. So I had to look away.

“Alright, it doesn’t matter now. What matters is that we have to get ready. We need every fighter. Do you know how many Nate has?” Alpha Spencer asked. Once again, it was quiet. I looked up to see everyone was looking towards me-as if they thought I knew.

“You’re asking me? Because I have no clue,” I said shaking my head. I glanced over at my dad to see he was chewing on his lip, deep in thought.

“Well, we can’t do anything until we know for sure. If we put too many out there, it will just be a slaughter and we can’t have that. All these years all we’ve tried to do is keep the peace with everyone-rogue or not, and it’s worked. But if we have too few…” he trailed off. I knew what he was going to say. It would just be plain murder.

“So what do we have to do?” Alex asked.

“We need to find out how many he has standing behind him-and as fast as possible. We don’t know how much time we have,” my dad muttered. I instantly knew what he was talking about. I knew his plan before he even spoke it.

“How are we going to do that?” Stephanie asked.

“We’re going to have to have a spy,” I answered. “And it’s going to be me.”

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