Chapter 36- Plan of Action:

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Chapter 36- Plan of Action

I took a deep breath and lifted my hand to knock on his door. I waited for him to let me in.

“It’s open!”

I stepped into his office and looked straight at him. He was typing on his laptop. He didn’t even look up at me as he spoke.

“Sorry I didn’t get a chance to talk to you last night. There were some things Jake and I had to discuss though. It was pretty important but that’s why I called you in here-so that I could talk to you today,” he said and smiled, but still didn’t look at me.

“What was so important that you couldn’t let me stand in here while you talked about it?” I asked curiously. That got his attention.

“Nothing. It was nothing. Just some pack business and other boring stuff I know you wouldn’t be interested in,” he dismissed. I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Well if it’s pack business stuff then shouldn’t I be included in whatever it was you two were talking about?” I folded my arms across my chest and cocked a hip.

“No. See, you’re not exactly Alpha yet, only when you turn eighteen to you get the title and until then, pack stuff doesn’t include you.”

“But Jake got included in pack stuff before he was Alpha,” I argued.

“That’s because Jake’s father let him in on all of this. I had no say in it. If it was up to me, I wouldn’t have breathed a word of any of these things to him. But, seeing as I have no say in the parent stuff, I had to go along with it. However, you my dear don’t get the same satisfaction as Jake. So…sorry,” he said and flashed me a cheeky grin. I scowled at him and sat down in the chair in front of his desk.

“So what could you possibly have to talk to me about that doesn’t include pack business?” I questioned. I was immensely curious as to what he had to say. There couldn’t be any other reason as to why he wanted me in here. I watched him as he took a deep breath and leaned forward and folded his hands together, placing them on his desk.

“I agree with your idea of becoming a werewolf.”

Every single thought in my brain vanished when those words left his mouth.

“Come again?” I asked just to be sure I’d heard him right.

“I want you to become a werewolf,” he repeated. I blinked. Was he serious? Was he just playing me? The look on his face was as serious as a graveyard.

“But-what-how…when-but-you guys-huh?” I stammered completely lost.

“I’ve been thinking about this for a while now and I’ve made up my mind. I want you-Cassie-to become a werewolf. I’d been thinking about what you said, and it’s true. It would be a better way to protect you and you’d be a great help to the pack. Plus, I think it’s time. Your true self is already starting to show. Your power has already come in.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked entirely confused.

“You can take away people’s pain, no matter who or from what distance. You’re able to suck it away until they feel nothing. You’re like a drug-but a lot safer,” he explained.

“But how did you…”

“Jake told me last night,” he said with a smirk.

“How did he know?”

“Well, he told me that when he got hurt during a fight he had a while ago, that even though he’d gotten hurt, he never felt anything and that Alex and Mason had the same feeling. He knew that nothing like that had ever happened to any of them before and so he thought about it and he thought over what could’ve been different this time. The only thing he could think of was you. And that’s when he came to me about it. He asked if there was anything different about you-other than the fact that you’ve grown up with the knowledge of werewolves your whole life and that’s when I told him.”

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