Chapter 39- A Promise Kept:

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Chapter 39- A Promise Kept

“Okay Cassie, can you sit up for me please?” the doctor asked with his clipboard in hand. I sat up without difficulty and he smiled at me. “Good! I see you’re making excellent progress. Now, can you lift your arms up for me? Only as far as you can go, though. I don’t want you to strain yourself.”

I lifted my arms up and then started to go slower and slower the higher I got. I managed to lift them above my head. I could tell that I pleased the doctor immensely. I knew Jake was proud of me by the way he stood behind the doctor with his arms folded across his chest and a beautiful smile stretched out across his perfect face.

“Because you’ve managed to heal fairly quickly, I’m letting you be released today. But you have to promise me you’ll let your body rest for the rest of the day and take it easy for the next couple of days. I’m going to bandage your wrist up since it took the most of the beating and you’ll have to keep your ribs wrapped up as well, just to be on the safe side. You came close to cracking a few of them. It’ll only take the slightest bit of pressure to finish the job and I don’t think you want to pay another visit here,” he explained. My expression became alarmed and I quickly shook my head. He chuckled and wrote a few more things down on his clip board.

“Is there anything else she’ll need doc?” Jake asked.

“No, that’s it. I’ll just bandage you right up and you can be on your way after you sign the paperwork. Your father already did most of it, you’ll just have to sign a couple of things as a witness and for her release,” he told him. Jake nodded and the doctor went over to a small cupboard and pulled out some gauze.

He carefully took my wrist in his hands and began to wrap it up.

“You know, it amazes me at how fast your body healed considering you’re just a human. Shouldn’t you be almost dead by now?” he asked me. Jake growled when he mentioned that and I glanced at him before answering the doc.

“Um, yeah my dad is a werewolf but…my mom was human,” I lied. “I got some of my dad’s genes like fast healing and good eye sight.”

He seemed to buy it and nodded in understanding. I was getting a lot better at lying nowadays.

“Yes, I noticed when we first stitched your wrist up and a few hours later it was completely healed. Though, the scar won’t go away. You must’ve gotten cut with silver. Speaking of which, we managed to get all of that nasty stuff out of your blood so you’re all clean and clear,” he said with a cheerful smile. I grinned back at him, grateful for what he’s done.

“Thank you so much doc. I owe you one.”

“Don’t mention it. It’s what I do,” he said with a chuckle. He helped me off the bed and got his clipboard and bag ready. He put the gauze back in the cabinet before leading us out the door.

Jake handed me my jacket while he had my duffel bag in the other hand that he brought over later yesterday so that I could change and I stood on my toes to give him a quick kiss. He threw his arm over my shoulders and I snaked mine around his waist.

“If you’ll just come with me,” the doctor said to me and Jake.

When we finished signing everything, we were free to go so we headed downstairs to his car. My dad had visited me yesterday a little while after I’d woken up. I tried to ask him about what’d happened but he refused to talk about anything while I was in the hospital and forced me to wait until I was fully recovered and at home. To be honest, I was glad with his decision because I really needed the rest.

But now it was time to get back down to business. I needed to know what was going on. I had to know what would happen next because one thing was for sure; Nate would try even harder to kill me, because I killed his mate right in front of him.

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