Chapter 31- It Was All Just a Lie:

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Chapter 31- It Was All Just a Lie

“Alright, let’s not completely crush our other future Alpha,” Michelle said as she came over and saved me from becoming one with the ground. She pulled the little boys up first and then the guys got up. Katie and Steph pulled themselves up and then helped me up. I groaned loudly when I actually stood on my feet. My stomach hurt so bad, I actually doubled over. I was gasping for breath because I had laughed so much and I was still slightly laughing some.

“You oaky?” Michelle asked. I nodded.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I panted out. She chuckled.

“Dang, I didn’t think you guys weighed that much! I thought you work out?!” Katie cried breathlessly. Steph and I barked out a laugh as Katie pressed a hand against her chest as she tried to catch her breath as well.

“Hey, at least you weren’t on the bottom of that pile,” I stated. She cocked her head quickly and nodded while raising her eyebrows.

“Ugh, I need a drink. Come with me?” she asked. I nodded and we started heading for the house to get some more water bottles when we saw they were all gone in the coolers.

“Whoa-uh-wait! I’ll get them for you!” Mason said quickly. Katie and I looked at each other with confused expressions. Since when did Mason do anything nice for us? The two girls he just attacked?

“Um, thanks Mason?” I said as more of a question. He threw me a quick grin before disappearing into the house. We watched as Chris and Alex followed him swiftly.

“Wonder what’s going on with them,” Katie said just as curiously as I felt. But I just shrugged it off.

“Eh, it’s probably nothing. Hey, I’m gonna go ahead and get everything ready,” I said and gave her a knowing look. Her whole face instantly brightened up and she jumped up and clapped her hands while squealing.

“What’s she so happy about?” Steph asked as she came over.

“Cassie’s gonna get ready for her date tonight!” Katie exclaimed. I shushed her and looked around to make sure we didn’t attract too much attention. Fortunately, no one was looking.

“Keep it down would you?” I hissed.

“Oh my gosh! Cassie!” Steph cried happily. I rolled my eyes.

“Just…make sure you stall Jake until I get back. I should only be like ten minutes most,” I said quietly. They nodded and shot me thumbs up. I grinned at them before swiftly and silently slipping away from the party.

I took a deep breath and fiddled with my hands as I walked back to the party. It was already dark out but they had tiki torches lit so that everyone could see things. Well, probably so that I could see things since I was the only human here and everyone else were werewolves and could see just as easily in the dark as they could in the light.

I walked through the large crowd. Surprisingly everyone was still here. I looked all around to try and find Katie and Steph, but I couldn’t see over everyone because I was a shrimp compared to everyone here. I jumped up after a while of searching and caught a faint glimpse of them over on the deck. I weaved my way through the crowd, accidently bumping into a few people, but eventually made it to the deck.

As soon as I put one foot onto the first step, I felt arms go around me protectively. I sighed in bliss as I leaned back into Jake’s perfect body.

“I was worried about you. Why did you go off on your own?” he whispered softly into my ear. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on his chest, loving the feeling of being in his arms.

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