Chapter 1- What I Used To Know:

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Chapter 1- What I Used To Know

Cassie- age 7:

"Come on Cass, it's time for bed!"

I hated hearing those words. I hated having to go to bed. Everything fun always happens at night but I always have to go to bed as soon as they happen.

So I continued playing with my Barbie.

"Cassie, come on. You know you have to go to bed," mommy told me as she came into the room. She turned the TV off and looked down at me. I pouted up at her as she came over and started to pick up my Barbie's clothes and putting them into the toy-box.

"But I'm not tired!" I whined.

"Come on Cass, I'll tell you a bedtime story," she said. I instantly dropped my Barbie and squealed in excitement before I ran up the stairs to put my pajamas on. I loved my pink pajamas with smiley faces all over them. Mommy came upstairs and brushed my blonde hair and when she was done I ran over and bounced on my Dora the Explorer bed. She came over and told me to get comfortable and pulled the blanket up over me. I loved stories, they were so much fun to hear and to tell and I loved how Mommy made them all up and didn't read the boring ones from those books.

"Can I pick the story, Mommy?"

"Of course, sweetheart. Which one do you want to hear tonight?"

I curled my lips into my mouth as I thought about it for a moment then said, "I wanna hear the one about the mates."

She laughed and nodded. She paused and looked up at the ceiling covered in glow-in-the-dark stars. "Mates are the most beautiful thing on this planet. Your mate will always protect you and keep you safe. You know that right?"

I nodded. She continued.

"You will always be able to trust your mate. Your mate will love you unconditionally and you will feel the same way about them no matter what. Your mate will trust you and you will trust him. Having a mate is the greatest thing in the world. Knowing that someone out there will always be there to care for and to love you."

"I wanna hear the story about the mates."

Mommy laughed. "I'm getting there, just be patient."

I snuggled deeper into my bed as I waited for her to start. She took in a big breath and I watched as she smiled a little.

"There once was a strong wolf. He was the Alpha of his pack and he was a good one too. He was the most beautiful wolf you'd ever seen. His coat was pure black—as black as night—not a single speck of any other color on him. His eyes were a deep brown too, almost the same color as chocolate. One day, he was out on patrols in the woods, when suddenly, he smelled the most delicious, magnificent scent he'd ever smelt. He walked until he found it. And there she was. In the middle of a wide open field of wild flowers and a waterfall with the clearest, purest water. He slowly walked over to her, not wanting to scare her, and he watched her as she drank from that water. He walked until she turned around and they both froze, watching each other, studying each other. His mate, oh his mate was the most beautiful female wolf you'd ever seen. She was a golden-brown colored wolf. She glowed almost as bright as the sun with dark brown eyes. The black wolf instantly claimed her as his and she claimed him as hers. They mated, giving him her mark just as she gave him hers. They were equals in every way. They loved each other in every way. It was beautiful.

"They eventually got married and she became the most amazing, strong, beautiful, and kind-hearted Luna that anyone had ever heard of. Everyone loved her. And when the time came, she did her role at protecting the pack from enemies. She fought bravely and she was stronger than any other female in the pack. Her mate though, was so worried about her. He didn't want her fighting anymore but she didn't care. So long as it helped to keep him safe she would do anything. She would protect him. He was still so worried about her, though. But then she became pregnant."

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