Chapter 7- Ultimate Cantaloupe:

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Chapter 7- Ultimate Cantaloupe

         When we’d finally arrived at the beach, I could see a ton of people already there. The music was loud and I saw a bunch of kids drinking and dancing, some already drunk. I rolled my eyes. Typical beach party. There was a volleyball net set up a little further down as well.

         I got out of the car with Alex and he led me over to where everyone was. I managed to spot Katie but she was talking to some other girls. I looked the other way…and spotted Katie. I looked back completely confused but saw Katie still talking to the same girls she was talking to. I looked at the other girl and saw that she’d spotted me and waved. I gave her a hesitant smile and waved back. Then it clicked. That’s Stephanie. She ran over to me and almost tackled me in a hug.

         “Hi!” she squealed.

         “Hi…Steph…” I managed to get out. Man this girl was strong.

         “Sorry,” she said pulling away. “Hey Alex, what’s up?”

         “Nothing. You two know each other?”

         “Yeah, we met in school and I gave her a tour,” she said smiling. I heard Alex sigh then groan.

         “Steph, why do you do that to people?”

         “What? I was just trying to be nice.”

         “But you giving new people tours around our school is not nice! It doesn’t help! It just gets them lost! Remember when you tried giving me a tour?”

         “Hey I told you where the science wing was but you just weren’t paying attention,” she said putter her hands on her hips.

         “See? I’m not the only one that doesn’t pay attention,” I told him sticking out my tongue.

         “Oh very mature. And you just completely drowned me out back there. I was actually paying attention to her but I couldn’t understand a word she was saying because she wouldn’t shut up.”

         “Just be lucky I even helped you,” she said glaring at him. He turned to me and jabbed a thumb in her direction.

         “And you’re friends with this?”

         “She’s nice. You can’t not be friends with nice people…well apparently you can.”

         “Hey I’m friends with you.”


         “You’re nice…ish.”

         “Oh thanks,” I said rolling my eyes. “So how did you guys get to know each other? After the tour,” I added.

         “Oh he became the pack’s be-he became the pack’s best friend,” she corrected herself after Alex elbowed her in the side.

         “Pack?” I asked confused.

         “Yeah you know…like a group…pack…that’s just what we call it. Our pack of friends,” she said shrugging. I nodded my head, making it seem like I understood. That wasn’t what she was going to say, but I let it go.

         “Hey I’m gonna catch up with you later,” he said and walked away towards a group of guys.

         “So how did you meet him?” Stephanie asked as we began walking further into the crowd.

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