Chapter 18- Nothing More Than a Friend:

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Chapter 18- Nothing More Than a Friend

I groaned as my stomach was practically bursting inside of me. I did win the contest, but I sure as heck didn’t feel like a winner. I just had to eat that whole thing didn’t I?

“I told you not to do it,” Katie groaned from beside me. Even with her werewolf stomach, that sundae was a bit much for her.

“But I wanted that twenty bucks! Plus it looked so good! I blame you!” I moaned.

“Me? What did I do?”

“You’re the one that dragged me down the stairs in the first place! It was your idea!”

“You didn’t have to do it, though. You could’ve just said no and went back upstairs!” she groaned back.

“Yeah but it looked so good! You tempted me!” I argued.

“That’s your fault for falling into temptation. I was merely the messenger. You can’t shoot the messenger,” she mumbled deliriously. I think I speak for both of us when I say we could’ve both passed for drunks by the way we were talking and laying around, moaning and groaning about the pain in our stomachs.

“I can shoot the messenger. I shouldn’t, but no one ever said I couldn’t. Therefore, if I had a gun, or any weapon, you’d be dead by now.”

“Gee, that makes me feel so safe around you,” she grumbled. I smirked lopsidedly up at the ceiling from where we were laying on the floor. We hadn’t moved from this very spot for about an hour now. We were too weak to even try to lift our heads.

“Ugh, so what do we do now?” I asked.

“Well, we can lay here on this uncomfortable ground and try to hold down our vomit, or, we can attempt to get up and get in bed since it is…ten thirty and attempt to hold our vomit down. Personally, I don’t feel like sleeping on this ground because I won’t be able to make it through the night without puking,” she muttered. I scrunched my nose in disgust.

“I really did not want to know that. Nor did I need to. But, you do have a very good point. So, let’s go,” I mumbled as I tried my best to roll to my side. It took a good three tries before I made it. Then I had to sit up. This should be fun. I gripped the blankets on the sides of the bed for dear life as I tried to pull myself off of the ground. I groaned and Katie moaned loudly in pain. When we finally made it up, we literally crawled onto the bed. We helped each other until we were finally laying on our backs again, but this time we were on a soft mattress and completely out of breath.

“My gosh…I’m never…eating… that much…again,” Katie panted heavily.

“Same,” I choked out.

“What is going on in here?” Mason asked as he slammed the door open. Katie and I groaned loudly at the same time. “Who died?”

“It’s not who, it’s what,” I corrected.

“Okay then, what died?”

“Our stomachs,” Katie gasped.

“Elimination Sundaes?” he guessed.

“Sadly,” Katie croaked.

“How much did you guys eat?”

“All of it,” I whined. He suddenly burst out laughing. I looked at him as if he was crazy as he doubled over, clutching his stomach as he gasped for air.

“You…you idiots!” he managed to get out.

“Go screw yourself,” Katie growled before moaning in pain and holding her stomach.

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