Chapter 35- One Last Second Chance:

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A/N: Hey everyone! So a big apology for not updating faster, I'm surprised that I'm even doing it now. I've just been too busy to do anything with writing or even my computer because I've been so focused on school. Since school is starting up for me, I won't really be focused on writing anything for a little while (maybe a few weeks or so) just because I really want my only attention to be on school until I can get myself all situated. I'll try to fit some time for writing in my schedule, maybe late at night and it won't be much, but hey, it'll be better than nothing. So here's the next chapter. I hope you all like it. Oh, and I want to just say a HUGE thankyou to every single person that has read and voted for this story because you all have no idea how much this means to me. It's good to know that there are some people that actually enjoy what I write (other than me) and will actually take the time to read this. So now I'm done babbling on and on. Anyways.....enjoy!!!!! :)

Chapter 35- One Last Second Chance

Monday came faster than I wanted. I wasn’t ready to face Jake. I knew that I had to sooner or later; I was just counting on it being later. I didn’t want to talk to him. I barely tolerated even seeing him. But this was so much worse. Jake was going to have to come to my house later today to talk to my dad about something and then take me out on our “date”.

But every time I got up the courage to go and tell my parents that our “date” was cancelled, Mason’s words always managed to pop up into my mind and swirled around until I would just forget about telling them anything. I didn’t want to hate Jake for the rest of my life. I didn’t necessarily want to forgive him any time soon, but I didn’t want to be like that. And every time he would call and text me, the guilt would eat away at me. At first I would just blame the feeling on us being mates, but then I realized that it was truly me that was feeling the guilt. It didn’t have to do with what we are. It had to do with who I am as a person. I’m not one to hold grudges. The longest grudge I’ve ever held lasted only until that evening. I still think that it’s my parents’ fault because of what they’d always tell me growing up. Or at least what my dad would tell me: “Never let the sun set on your anger”. It was a good saying, truthfully and I believed in it whole-heartedly. But sometimes, in cases such as this one, it was hard to grasp that concept. But it had to be done. I had already let the sun set so many times on my anger with Jake these past two weeks. It was time to put the past behind us.

“Dang it! That means Mason’s right,” I grumbled to myself. That annoyed me immensely. I was never going to tell him that though. It would just boost his ego more than it already is and I can’t have that happening anytime soon.

I walked across the parking lot, trying to think of where Jake would be. I had to find him. I was tired of this. I just wanted all of this to stop so that we could move on. I hated drama. I hated stuff like this. But the thing is, I was never on the receiving end. In fact, I was never involved in anything like this. It sucked. I felt a pang in my heart just thinking about all the crap that I’ve put Jake through. It must’ve been hard for him.

As I walked past the cars, a few heads turned my way. Apparently some of the people here still weren’t used to seeing me with white hair. I wasn’t either, and I couldn’t blame them. It’s not every day a seventeen year old girl walks around with her entire head snow-freaking-white. Believe me, I’d tried and tried to get it to turn a different color. I’d tried dying it back to the brown that it was-Michelle gave me a few lessons on what to do-and I even tried to dye it back to blond. Nothing worked. I gave up on trying. I just let it go naturally and tried my best not to think about it too much. But with the stares, it wasn’t working as well as I’d hoped.

“Cassie!” I heard someone call. I turned to see Alex jogging to catch up to me. I slowed down my pace and when he got next to me, he slung his arm around my shoulders.

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