Chapter 26- He Will Never Forgive Me:

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Chapter 26- He Will Never Forgive Me

To say dinner was awkward would be the understatement of the decade. We sat there at the table, all of us chewing slowly and staring around at one another. But my eyes never left my parents. Jake held my hand under the table, rubbing soothing circles on the back of it, but I couldn’t peel my eyes away from them. I was trying to burn holes into their heads, or at least see into their minds to try and see what they’re thinking of not agreeing with me and my plan. I think it’s a wonderful idea. But for some reason, none of them do. Not even Jake. Even though he agreed to at least think about it, inside I know that he’s not going to be doing any thinking. He just told me what I wanted to hear. But I was okay with that. Maybe he actually would take some time to think about this. I sure have. And I still this it’s a brilliant idea. They just don’t see it the way I do.

“So Cassie, I hear you’re trying not to have to take any exams this year,” my dad suddenly said. I just stared at him as he took a bite of his green beans. “How do you plan to do that?”

“I plan to study. Do well on this test that I have to take tomorrow,” I plainly stated. I was in no mood to talk to him really. Or at all for that matter.

“That’s great! And I also heard that prom’s coming up soon,” he said with a smile on his face. I slightly bit the inside of my mouth to keep myself contained. He really knew how to drive my patience. I knew he didn’t really want to talk about prom, or school. He wanted to drive the idea of becoming a werewolf out of my head for good. But I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

“Yeah, it is.” It was quiet for a moment as I took a bite of my chicken leg.

“And are you going?”

“That depends…”


The hand that wasn’t holding Jake’s clenched under the table.

Just stay calm Cassie. Only a few more minutes and you can be free of this torture. Just hang in there. You’re almost done. Just a little longer and you can finally leave.

“If I have the time to or not. I have a lot of stuff I need to get done.”

“Oh, well who cares about homework! It’s prom! You should go! Have fun! Live out the biggest night of high school! They say it’s something you’ll never forget,” he said happily. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

“Yeah, that’s what they say…”

“So you’re going?” he asked. Why did he want me to go so badly?

“Dad, I honestly don’t know. I have too much stuff I have to do.”

“Why do you have to do all of that work?”

“Well if I want to graduate high school any time soon…”

“Are you going shopping with Kate and Stephanie for dresses?” my mom suddenly asked. I gave her a confused look. Did she not hear what I just said?

“I don’t even know if I’m going yet!”

“Because if so, I can give you some money so that you can buy the dress and shoes you want! Oh! And you all should get manicures-and pedicures! And get your hair done!” she cried happily. I clenched my fist tighter. Jake must’ve noticed my annoyance because he squeezed my hand gently. I bit my tongue and clenched my teeth to stop myself from saying anything. I put on my best fake smile.

“Well that would be a great idea! But sadly, as I said before, I have absolutely no idea if I’m going or not.”

“Well what’s taking you so long to decide? Just go! Have a good time! Relax! It’ll take your mind off of things! You need a break once in a while and this is the best way! You should go! Make the most of the night! Right Jake? Tell her,” she told Jake. I gaped at her. Was she serious?!

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