Chapter 27- Something Not Right:

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Chapter 27- Something Not Right

By the time I’d made my way downstairs the next morning, no one was there. Huh, I guess my parents didn’t feel like seeing me this morning. Well that’s just fine with me.

I went over to one of the cabinets and pulled down a box of cereal before getting a bowl, spoon, and the milk. I didn’t feel like trying to cook anything for myself this morning, it seemed like too much work.

As I ate, I thought about what I had to do today. There were too many things on my mind. I grabbed a pen and paper and decided to write them all out.

1. Homework/ worksheets (all subjects)

2. End of year projects

3. Study for test

4. Fix problem with parents

5. Figure out way to go through with plan

6. Find out when Nate will come again

7. Get Jake to see changing me the way I do

8. Possibly get ready for prom

 I still wasn’t sure about that last one. I mean, yeah I was all for going to prom and having the best night of my life, but now that I think about it, I honestly don’t think I’d be able to-especially after my parents’ little scene last night. I rolled my eyes at the thought. I still can’t believe they actually said all of that. And even in front of Jake! I mean, the boy hasn’t even asked me yet and there they were, just making plans like nobody’s business! It’s not even for them to decide!

I put my head in my hands before letting it drop to the table and groaned. Why did my life have to be so freaking complicated? I never asked for any of this! I eventually picked my head up and ate my cereal. I should just stay home today. There’s no way I could handle school with a bunch of idiots and all these problems. I need a day to myself to at least attempt to get some of this crap done. Starting with number one…

When I looked at number one, I groaned louder. Oh this day’s gonna suck. I finished my cereal and put my dishes in the dishwasher. I really didn’t feel like having my mother dearest come home and get on me about not putting my stuff away after I use it. She definitely would do that.

I went upstairs to my room and grabbed my bag. I didn’t feel like being cooped up inside all day while I did this work. I put my list of ‘problems to solve’ into my back pocket and my phone in the other, and slipped out my window.

I got to the meadow and sat over by the little waterfall and began my work. After about half an hour, my phone buzzed. I took it out to see I had a text.

Jake: U ok?

I smiled when I saw it was from him. My heart fluttered in my chest. Gosh, I sound like one of those love-sick girls in those books and movies.

Me: Yeah, just have too much to do. Couldn’t be bothered to go to school :)

He didn’t text back and so I looked at the time. It was already ten thirty in the morning. I put my phone down and went back to working on this English packet.

Ten minutes later, I felt something nudge my back. I jumped a mile in the air and crawled back as fast as possible, until I realized what-or who it was. Jake’s wolf stood there, looking at me with a wolfish grin on his face. I narrowed my eyes at him.

“You jerk!” I grumbled. I moved back to where I was previously sitting and Jake laid next to me. I didn’t bother picking my stuff back up to keep working on it. I’d already finished my Government worksheets and studied for the test.

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