Chapter 33- Let Go:

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A/N: Hey everyone! So, I just want to apologize for not updating anything sooner. I should have, but I just didn't have the time to. But this upcoming week I'm going to try and update every day because I'm not going to be around any computer after that because I'm going out of state with a bunch of friends. So I'll have plenty of chapters for you all to read until I get back. Also, I just want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone that's read this story so far because it means so much to me that people actually take time to read the things that I write from pure imagination. So, THANK YOU EVERYONE! I'm so glad that so many people have read this story and I hope you all like it so far! Oh, and happy Italian festival to anyone that's going!! Anyways.....enjoy!!!!! :)

Chapter 33- Let Go

Steph and Katie were mad at me. I wasn’t going to prom and I had already returned my dress. I threw all thoughts of it completely out the window and down the road. They would still talk to me, but it’s different than before. I didn’t care. They knew why I wasn’t going to go. But yet they still insisted that I should because I would have fun. I saw nothing fun about it.

Alex and Chris still came over, trying to cheer me up and make me feel better. They would stay for hours until my parents made them go home, and even still then they had troubles getting them to leave. I would tell them that it worked and that I felt much better. They believed me. They thought they were doing a good job. I made them think so. In truth, they didn’t help whatsoever. They just distracted me from getting any work done so I was stuck doing it all through the night. But that all stopped on Wednesday when I decided to get a job. I was working night shifts at the local movie theater. I begged them to let me work a twelve hour shift so that I wouldn’t have to go home and deal with everything. They agreed. I was happy they did. This was a sure-fire way of keeping me busy, and it did. I hardly ever got a break. I was surprised to see how many people went to see movies so late at night. And plus I got free tickets so that was a bonus. In fact, I didn’t really care about the money. As long as I just had something to do, I was totally fine. The money was another bonus. And the job did pay well.

I got home and went upstairs to my room, exhausted. I hadn’t slept in days. I was amazed that I was still going though. I was living on coffee and cold showers. At one point, I even took an ice bath because I was so close to cracking and giving in to sleep. I was so close to breaking. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t be weak. But even the little voice in my head was starting to cave. I was surprised when I was the one that had to remind myself that what I was doing was a good thing. It had to be done.

I changed out of my work clothes and into my school clothes. I had worked my butt of this past weekend. I didn’t allow myself a break. I was afraid that I would cave. I was afraid that my thoughts would trail off. I even finished all of my school work for the next week just to keep myself busy. My mind was working a million miles a second. I was blinking repeatedly as I took a cold shower and changed into my school outfit. My hands were shaking as I gripped the steering wheel as I drove to school. It was Wednesday and this weekend, I was going to have to work hard.

As I walked across the parking lot, people began to glance my way. Everyone here was in our pack. Everyone knew something was going on with me and Jake, they just had no clue what. The only reason why they were so suspicious was because Jake and I would never be seen together and whenever he would be around, I’d just act like he didn’t exist.

“Well you’ve looked better.”

I gasped and turned around.

“Mason!” I exclaimed. He stood there with a smirk on his face and I went over and wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. “Where have you been?”

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